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Stop setting up pointless forums and making it look like your fixing all the bugs in your game ac valhalla and just fix them all the people from round the world wouldn't need to texts in if the game was running before you took their money now they need to spend more money to get it fixed sounds like the biggest con ever and your patting yourselves on the back for setting up a forum (sick)shouldn't have sold the game if it wasn't working you should give everyone their money back..but you won't thieves never do ..but go ahead setting up forums while you rob everyone who still believe you will do the right thing and still believe in fairness and honesty..

almost 4 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

@guest-h0u5vjrc I understand that you are frustrated due to a bug that you have experienced in Assassin's Creed Valhalla.

So that I can look into this for you and assist you further, could you please provide me with a detailed description of the issue. If it's a known issue then we most likely have a mega thread created for it. Please check the mega thread list to see if the issue is listed.

I can assure you that all issues that have been reported are forwarded to the development team who will try to reproduce the issue. Once they have been able to do this then they can begin working on a fix. However in some cases they may not be able to reproduce the issue and therefore we would need to gather more information such as images, videos, saves and anything else that may help with their investigation.

almost 4 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

@guest-h0u5vjrc I understand that you are frustrated due to a bug that you have experienced in Assassin's Creed Valhalla.

So that I can look into this for you and assist you further, could you please provide me with a detailed description of the issue. If it's a known issue then we most likely have a mega thread created for it. Please check the mega thread list to see if the issue is listed.

I can assure you that all issues that have been reported are forwarded to the development team who will try to reproduce the issue. Once they have been able to do this then they can begin working on a fix. However in some cases they may not be able to reproduce the issue and therefore we would need to gather more information such as images, videos, saves and anything else that may help with their investigation.

almost 4 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

@guest-h0u5vjrc As you have posted several different threads as I was not aware of the issues that you have been experiencing. I have managed to find the threads and merge them. I have merged two of your threads were you have reported those issues into one thread here. And I have merged your remaining threads into this one. We do not recommend posting multiple or duplicate threads as this can cause issues.

I understand you are experiencing issues with some of the Ubisoft Connect challenges and the world event 'Miracle'. We do have mega threads for the most common issues that are reported and would recommend posting on the relevant thread there if it is listed. However it's not possible to list all of the known issues.

We do have an existing mega thread for the 'Miracle' mystery. The issue is still being investigated by the development team. We had two separate issues for this quest, the other issue is due to be fixed in a future update.

Regarding the other issue you are experiencing with the stats/core challenges I will reply to you in the other thread that you reported it in.

almost 4 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

@guest-h0u5vjrc As you have posted several different threads as I was not aware of the issues that you have been experiencing. I have managed to find the threads and merge them. I have merged two of your threads were you have reported those issues into one thread here. And I have merged your remaining threads into this one. We do not recommend posting multiple or duplicate threads as this can cause issues.

I understand you are experiencing issues with some of the Ubisoft Connect challenges and the world event 'Miracle'. We do have mega threads for the most common issues that are reported and would recommend posting on the relevant thread there if it is listed. However it's not possible to list all of the known issues.

We do have an existing mega thread for the 'Miracle' mystery. The issue is still being investigated by the development team. We had two separate issues for this quest, the other issue is due to be fixed in a future update.

Regarding the other issue you are experiencing with the stats/core challenges I will reply to you in the other thread that you reported it in.

over 3 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

@guest-h0u5vjrc Apologies for the late response.

I have looked at the mega thread for the issue with the world event "Miracle" in Sciropescire. I can The development team are intending to fix this with a future update.

Please keep checking the known issues list and the news and announcements page for updates.

With regards to the Ubisoft Connect core challenges and stats, these are still being investigated, however 'Join The Creed' and 'The Thousand Eyes' should be unlocked with a future update.

We posted a developers blog back in April explaining the process for reporting and fixing bugs. Please have a read of this if you haven't already done so.

over 3 years ago - Ubi-Keo - Direct link

@guest-h0u5vjrc Apologies for the late response.

I have looked at the mega thread for the issue with the world event "Miracle" in Sciropescire. I can The development team are intending to fix this with a future update.

Please keep checking the known issues list and the news and announcements page for updates.

With regards to the Ubisoft Connect core challenges and stats, these are still being investigated, however 'Join The Creed' and 'The Thousand Eyes' should be unlocked with a future update.

We posted a developers blog back in April explaining the process for reporting and fixing bugs. Please have a read of this if you haven't already done so.

over 3 years ago - Ubi-Viral - Direct link
@ubi-keo still no help from ubisoft..just more ways to say they haven't fixed the fault and keep you online all good for their stats ..so they can keep patting themselves on the back saying how well they are doing and since their are so many people complaining they are moving the the complaints to a bigger forum making it sound like a good thing ..just a big money making scheme can you fix the faulty games then you will find you won't need a bigger forum money mad ubisoft

Thank you for your response. The issues that you have reported in the separate thread were forwarded and we will continue to provide updates as soon as we can there. You are welcome to share your feedback here on the forums however we ask that you please do not spread misinformation, nor spam or continuously bump threads as that is against the forum rules.

Thank you for your time.

over 3 years ago - Ubi-Viral - Direct link
@ubi-keo still no help from ubisoft..just more ways to say they haven't fixed the fault and keep you online all good for their stats ..so they can keep patting themselves on the back saying how well they are doing and since their are so many people complaining they are moving the the complaints to a bigger forum making it sound like a good thing ..just a big money making scheme can you fix the faulty games then you will find you won't need a bigger forum money mad ubisoft

Thank you for your response. The issues that you have reported in the separate thread were forwarded and we will continue to provide updates as soon as we can there. You are welcome to share your feedback here on the forums however we ask that you please do not spread misinformation, nor spam or continuously bump threads as that is against the forum rules.

Thank you for your time.