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I have been experiencing a crash when trying to select ships for an expedition. This seems to happen only when applying a session filter to the ship finder on the expedition screen as shown in the screenshot below. Upon selecting a session filter (In the screenshot's case, Cape Trelawney) to view the available ships in that session the game will briefly freeze before crashing to desktop. This seems to only happen after the game is given a while to run (usually a few minutes), as if I try to do this immediately upon loading the save then there is no crash. I have tested this on different saves and separate games and is repeatable across every one of them. Though all the saves I tested this on were made prior to the release of GU14 and had Seeds of Change activated on them when it was released.

I have uploaded the save here: https://1drv.ms/u/s!AnhD8EWqYCU9i3HoR4B-EYYI3wXv

My game is currently updated to GU14 and has all DLCs up to Seeds of Change installed. No mods are currently installed. Graphics settings are set to use DX12, and FidelityFX Super Resolution is active and set to "Quality". I have tried verifying the game files which did not seem to have any effect on the issue.

The game is currently running on a laptop with the following system specs:
CPU: i7-10750H
GPU: GTX 1650 (With Nvidia Driver 512.15)
RAM: 16 GB
OS: Windows 11

Thank you,

almost 3 years ago - Ubi-Peach - Direct link

Hey everyone! @adjutant27 @HerrSpeedwagon @cH4oS2k3 @LeCheffre @MachilusLAB

I'm sorry to hear you are all experiencing crashing when setting up expeditions. Do you all find that the game does not crash if you do it immediately after opening? Also, for my investigation into this, I suggest trying all of these basic troubleshooting steps as well as verifying your game files.

If none of these steps prevent these crashes, please let me know and provide me with a video if possible. Thank you!