Original Post — Direct link

I deployed many Restaurants, Bars and Coffees, selected the recipes. Their buff have 3 strength, and the strongest buff (max buff marked on recipe details) never apply, not even when all of them works on 100% productivity for hours.

If I save the game and reload it, maximum buff apply (because all of them works on 100% already), and stay on max until I not change their recipe. If I change the recipe, it stuck at 2nd strength buff again. Max buff instantly lost when production fall below 100% by any reason.

Saving and reloading the game could be a temporary fix, but this triggers the "palace department bug". Also (at least at me) Docklands sockets which came from additional harbourmaster wings become empty when loading a saved game.

Shopping arcades (with exact same mechanics) are work as intented, this bug not affect them, maximum buff apply once they reach 200%.

over 2 years ago - Ubi-TheBerry - Direct link

Hey there @Macs1209

Thanks for reaching out and reporting this to us.

Would it be possible to please share any video / screenshot examples of this?

As well as a copy of your affected save?

We can then get this raised to the game team to take a look.

Much appreciated!