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Hello everyone

I have an issue i think if it's a bug. i have to escort big blue but he is stuck for 25min like this boat spawn to attack him sometimes but no reaction from them or the shark.

EDIT: while writing this boats now attacking him and he move

then boat spawn and re-attack him and now deep blue is back on the first picture.

Am i the only one with this bug ?
about 4 years ago - Ubi-Thorlof - Direct link
We've heard from some players that reloading an old save from before the quest and doing it again solved the problem, but obviously that's not an ideal workaround.

So, since we'd like to make sure the shark behaves properly, could you upload and share your affected savegame with us? Please also let us know, how exactly the issue looks like in that savegame:
Is the shark not moving at all? Or just moving occasionally? Did it leave the map, but the next quest is not triggering?

Thanks a lot, this would definitely help our investigation.
about 4 years ago - Ubi-Thorlof - Direct link
Originally Posted by ViewtifulNyco

Here is a link with my save and 2 screenshot with in red the pattern and green the loop the shark does.In red the inital path and in green the loop the shark does now when ship spawn and attack him


like indicated in the screenshot (in red), it leave the map (not visually) but he come back on the "clickable zone"
Thank you very much

Our team is currently investigating the issue, we'll let you know when we have news.
about 4 years ago - Ubi-Orion - Direct link
Thanks for your additional reports folks. This issue should be addressed with an upcoming patch.