Original Post — Direct link
I had a Scholar Quest requiring me to find 3 Scrolls and show them off in the museum.

I managed to get two of them (Heimskringla and Song of Odysseus) but the third one either doesn't exist or has been mispelled.

Quest asks for Song of Ilyas.

Closest I can find is Song of Ilion.

I'd maxed out research on museum exhibits, and there is no Song of Ilyas available, and using the Song of Ilion does not complete the quest.

(Alas I did not take a sceenshot and have moved on since then)
over 4 years ago - Ubi-Raziel - Direct link
Originally Posted by Storellian
I had a Scholar Quest requiring me to find 3 Scrolls and show them off in the museum.

I managed to get two of them (Heimskringla and Song of Odysseus) but the third one either doesn't exist or has been mispelled.

Quest asks for Song of Ilyas.

Closest I can find is Song of Ilion.

I'd maxed out research on museum exhibits, and there is no Song of Ilyas available, and using the Song of Ilion does not complete the quest.

(Alas I did not take a sceenshot and have moved on since then)

Thank you for reporting this!

I raised it with our Anno team and they advised they are aware of this issue, it should be Song of Ilion. I informed them that the Song of Ilion does not complete the quest, so it appears it is currently impossible to complete.

Thanks for your time!