Original Post — Direct link

twice i have played campaigns twice i have gotten too a point where all my progress is lost and the game just crashes constantly really depressing i barely got all the new world stuff done last time this time i got too scholars and it would just crash every time so far ive spent a week in game progress flushed down the toilet because of crashes the last time it just sent me to the desktop not even asked for a error report seriously any company with pride in there game would have patched these bugs and tested it but instead your more worried about selling the game on steam and announcing that your done with the game except cash grab skins. i have little faith the game will recieve one or maybe two patches before they just give up on fixing it usually the patches dont fix any real issues and sometimes even break more stuff im done supporint ubisoft if you come out with a new anno you can eat it i wont ever buy a game or support your stupid app again why does it ask me to sign in every time with a email verification nwhen it says click here and u wont have to sign in a trusted app just cant get anything right not even ur launcher lazy company

about 2 years ago - Ubi-Thrupney - Direct link

Hey there @dingusmcgee85 , thanks for getting in touch. I understand you've had a difficult time with crashes in Anno 1800, and I'm really sorry to hear about this.

I understand you've had issues with having to sign in to Ubisoft Connect despite listing your device as trusted. This is something our team is actively investigating internally. My apologies for the inconvenience in the meantime.

For the crashes you've had, although we are tracking some issues where players are crashing in specific circumstances, the crashes you've described are not one we've previously noted as widespread. As such, I'm confident you'll be able to have a more stable experience with some local troubleshooting. The steps from our troubleshooting guide have been shown to fix the vast majority of crashing issues with our games, so I'd highly recommend running through them. In particular from the guide, please make sure you are running the game with administrator rights, you've verified the game files, you've got your graphics drivers and Windows install fully updated, and you've (at least temporarily, for testing) deactivated all background programs.

If the crashes then persist, we can do some more intensive troubleshooting with the steps from our system files support article. The two files it describes can be used by our support specialists to check some system details, and check for any errors Windows itself has logged, which often allows us to give more specific and targeted troubleshooting recommendations. We can't do that here on the forum, though, so once you've got those two files prepared, please reach out to our support specialists directly at the links below. 

Open a support ticket with Ubisoft Help
Send a Twitter DM to Ubisoft Support
Send a Facebook PM to Ubisoft Support

Please let me know if I can clarify any of these steps. My apologies once again for the issues you've had with Anno 1800. I'm very confident that we'll be able to help you have a better experience, using the steps I've listed above.