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Look at the artifacts, listen to the sounds, tell me they aren't causing things to split into three because of the massive amount of bass pulsing through reality at this very moment. The wub wub destroyed the world, and here we are picking up the pieces of the most epic stage performance mankind ever knew.

The song that ended it all was called the Anthem of Creation, it made the world start over from nothing. Now the alien races are here...some to stop the wub, as it is unpleasant to their ears, some to drop that epic bass they heard from their faraway planets yet again.

tdlr; wub wub wub

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about 6 years ago - /u/BioChrisSchmidt - Direct link

The wub wub destroyed the world, and here we are picking up the pieces of the most epic stage performance mankind ever knew.

Ok I'm in...tell me more...