about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by mattm83

Imagine spending 6 years making a game, and when it releases the thing people talk about is if the random alien bunny is evil or not. /u/biocamden We need grabbit themed vinyls for Grabbit protectors and Grabbit killers! It's time to pick a side! Serious note are you guys watching all this Grabbit talk and thinking were nuts?

So I’m personally in an entirely separate camp. I’m in the “I’m not a huge fan of those things and I certainly don’t trust them. But I won’t kill any of them because I don’t want my name on a list.” camp.

And yes it’s been hilarious to watch everybody take sides.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by aHairyWhiteGuy

Be real with me....what are the chances that a cataclysm will spawn a giant, mutated Grabbit for us to kill at some point in the future? Like Titan sized one. I'm sure the vast majority of the community would love to see that as well :)

Hahaha, that would be incredible. Not sure if we’d do something like that, but who knows I guess!

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by DawnBlue

I won't kill them because I don't want my name on a list.

Looking good. So far there is no reason for you to be on the Tarsis Preservation Squad's list of undesirables.

That’s certainly a good thing, but I meant the list the Grabbits are keeping themselves. Who knows what they will and won’t forget.