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I would like to write opinions of Japanese community like 2ch.

I'm not so good at English so I write these in bullets.

  • the game is so great though there are several bad points
  • we wish for improvement because we love this game
  • the greatest dissatisfaction is scarce drop
  • please keep difficulty and increase drop rate
  • almost 95% of dissatisfactions are solved by increasing drop
  • no incentive for challenging GM2 and GM3
  • decreasing of MW ember drop rate is bad
  • the diversity of builds is important thing
  • sense of accomplishment is more important than no bug
  • almost 80% of community members are satisfied "just" before the patch (maybe the reason is clear)
  • almost 15% of community members are satisfied after the patch (maybe the reason is clear too)
  • because of no tempting boss drop, players disconnect after the second chest opening
  • GM1 and GM2 boss drop should be random, not only the MW gear
  • GM3 boss should insure the legendary drop

We cliticize the game because we love the game. We wish for success of this game.

Thank you for reading.

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about 6 years ago - /u/UNTDrew - Direct link

Thanks for taking the time to write this. We sincerely appreciate the feedback.

Your English is great, by the way. :)

about 6 years ago - /u/UNTDrew - Direct link

Originally posted by Gildian

I'd like to extend appreciation for taking time to read our concerns for the game. I know many of us on Reddit are frustrated, and frankly I think they're right. They may express that in a not-so-nice way but please know it's because of the passion the community has for this game. I absolutely love the game itself but I do feel that if it takes months to "fix" loot, it's going to leave a much more sour taste in the community's collective mouth.

If you want to take incremental changes to make loot exactly where you guys want it, start from too much and cut back instead of incrementally increasing. I promise people would be much less frustrated that way.

I understand that "we're listening" or variants of that phrase has become cliche language for some, but it is the best reassurance I can give until we're able to show you something tangible to address your concerns or frustrations. Hopefully, most of you understand that we still care deeply about this Anthem community.