about 6 years ago - /u/BenIrvo - Direct link

Originally posted by ManOnFire2004

I understand games like this are about the endgame. But, the very common idea that's starting to worry me is that it's "all about the endgame grind for loot".

I really don't think that's what the game should ONLY be about, even at endgame. The idea that looter shooters only exist for the completionist seems to be very recent (made popular, but definitely not invented by, Destiny maybe?). The general idea used to be that the actual gameplay and activities are what makes people keep playing, and the rewards are just an excuse to keep doing the very entertaining gameplay.

There's a reason why the majority of gamers, who wouldn't be considered casuals, left games like Destiny and The Division. Because the idea of running the same activity over and over again was just mundane and too repetitive. Sure, if you HAVE TO get that gear that you're missing then you'll push through it. But, for everyone else who doesn't need to have everything... its' going to be a problem.

I've played MMOs (with plenty of endgame content), Diablo, and Borderlands, and (for ex.) they aren't about playing it just to get those 1 or 2 pieces of gear.

This game has builds, and trying to complete a build adds more depth. I'm just thinking a problem is that people are okay with a game like Destiny, where you rerun the same activity just to finish your collection book.

What about keeping people coming back because there's actually fun and engaging things to do? And because there's even higher level activities that requires the loot that we're grinding for?

They've mentioned there will be, but the majority of the community doesn't seem to really care about that.

TL;DR: Basically, every " MMO lite" looter shooter dropped the ball on endgame at release so far. So, It shouldn't be too far fetched to hope Anthem doesn't. And make sure people care about, not just the loot, but the activities (and number of them) to get it.

Edit: Added Tl,dr

People are motivated by different things - loot, vanity, content, social experiences, challenge, exploration, story, etc (in no particular order)

There is normally overlap between the motivations for a given player. Our goal is to find the right balance for Anthem. Part of that will be discovered once people start playing the game and we see how OUR players play it.