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EA, EA Help, AnswersHQ, BioWare,

I would keep this short and simple. The current state of Anthem IS BROKEN.

Since updating to Patch 1.0.3 both PC and Console players have started experiencing server connectivity issues. The game NO LONGER REMAINS CONNECTED to servers.

The condition is so worse that I ended up uninstalling the game. However, After Patch 1.0.4 was released I re-installed the game back and also flushed DNS. The game ran fine but did go into 3rd error (as below) when in The Forge.

Today (30th March 2019) when I again ran Anthem it started disconnecting a lot and kept throwing errors (as detailed below) - 

  1. Error updating Pilot Data. Please try again.(ErrorCode:0xb423693223e13999-ffffffff00000000-S)
  2. Error retrieving Anthem live service data.(ErrorCode:0xff9ebb7523e13999-ffffffff00000000-S)
  3. Connection Problem - Unknown Error.

This is how it happened - 

  1. Launched Origin.
  2. Launched Anthem.
  3. Pressed space to connect to Server.
  4. Loading screen.
  5. Looped to EA BioWare splash screen and threw the 1st error.
  6. Pressed space to ignore the message.
  7. Came to main screen and threw the 2nd error.
  8. Pressed space to ignore the message.
  9. Loaded up into Fort Tarsis.
  10. Pressed R to launch expedition.
  11. Selected Freeplay Missions.
  12. Pressed R to launch Forge.
  13. Tweaked my Javelin and ran into 3rd error like 5 times after ignoring.
  14. Did one Freeplay Mission and completed it with 3 other Javelins.
  15. Victory screen did not load up and threw errors 1 and 2.
  16. Went back to EA BioWare splash screen and started doing errors 1 and 2 and never reached to Fort Tarsis. It kept looping in those errors.

Can there be some kind of acknowledgement to these issues and a date when this can be resolved. If you're wondering what region I am from then I am from India.

I have also posted the same at EA AnswersHQ.

AnswersHQ - [Anthem 1.0.4 & 1.0.3 Patch] Server Connectivity Issues

(Update as on 15th April 2019)

With a lot of ISP Troubleshooting it was diagnosed that my Packet loss is the main reason for me loosing connectivity with Anthem servers (Along with hitbox misses on both Apex Legends and Battlefield V and on other games too). I Installed a VPN client on 13th April 2019 and since then I no longer encountered server errors as described above. Turns out Packet loss was the main culprit for me. Thanks EAHelp for helping me out.


Related post on VPN Use - 

Are VPN's allowed?

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almost 6 years ago - /u/UNTDrew - Direct link

Is anyone still experiencing this after downloading the latest Update (1.1.0) released on April 23rd?

almost 6 years ago - /u/UNTDrew - Direct link

Originally posted by yippiekayyayyy

I still have this problems since day 1 of 1.0.3 update. Its been over a month since I last played Anthem..

I keep getting

" Error retrieving Anthen live service data.

ErrorCode:0x60583f6aba10fddf-0-S "

Hey there. Sorry to hear that. Do you mind helping us track down your issue by filing a report with us at help.ea.com?

almost 6 years ago - /u/UNTDrew - Direct link

Originally posted by Logtastic

Found this reply when reviewing Dev activity...
Yes. PS4 myself and my brother have massive connectivity issues. Talking to NPCs in Fort Tarsis, loading to missions, loading mission end results, rarely mid mission, but it still happens.

Thanks for the heads up. We are trying to track down these for specific players at help.ea.com.

Reporting there will help us track down specifics on your account.

almost 6 years ago - /u/UNTDrew - Direct link

Originally posted by yippiekayyayyy

Where do I file a report? Because when I try to navigatge through the website I could either find the answer on Answers HQ or give you guys a call..

I cant find any answers on Answers HQ and I dont have the time to sit with the support on the phone trying to find the problem..

Here's the exact link for Anthem on EA Help: https://help.ea.com/en/anthem/anthem/