about 6 years ago - /u/Darokaz - Direct link

Hey Freelancers,

To start, I don't have any answers on loot yet. The team is discussing and are looking at player feedback and game telemetry. I'll share more on that as soon as I have an update.

For this post, I want to address the patch notes and missed items. It was not our intent to leave things out, but during the work of getting the update out the door some things were missed. The community posts pointing out the things that were missing allowed me to go back to the team and verify what was missing or what might be a bug, so thank you for that everyone!

If you have anything else that you think is missing from the notes that I didn’t address in this post please let me know in the comments so that I can check with the team and get it added.

Masterwork Universal Components added in 1.0.3 – drop from GM1+

  • Symbiotic Surge – Increases javelin armor by a large amount. Increases all damage for a short duration when picking up a repair pack.
  • Softened Blows – Increases javelin shields by a large amount. Increases damage resistance for a short duration when shields run out.
  • Thermal Cooling – Increases the javelin's heat capacity to allow the javelin to fly more effectively. Reduces time you stay overheated significantly.
  • Rejuvenating Ammo – Increases reserve ammo for all equipped guns. Replenishes armor by a small amount when picking up an ammo pack.
  • Emergency Power – An inscribed component that augments javelin Ultimate gear and increases damage. Ultimate meter refills instantly when armor is critically damaged.

Masterwork Embers from harvesting nodes – I checked with the team and this was indeed bugged. The team is working on getting a fix in tomorrow (March 12th). This will be a hotfix and won’t require any patch to download.

Other changes:

  • Colors now apply to launchers for the Ranger and Colossus javelins in the Forge.
  • Current values for daily, weekly and monthly challenges are intended. The values were different last month since Anthem launched on February 22nd and the team wanted players to be able to still be able to obtain the rewards that month.

The following items have values that were not intended and will be changed back in and upcoming patch. If you see any other items with decreased values it's likely a bug since there were no nerfs in this update.

  • Special Arms damage component changed from 30% to 15%. (BUG)
  • Epic Special Arms Ammo Universal component changed from 30% to 15%. (BUG)
  • Truth of Tarsis crit multiplier changing. (BUG)
  • Winter’s Wrath (Ice Storm) ability damage is incorrect. (BUG)
  • Chaotic Rime (Ice Shards) damage is incorrect. (BUG)
  • Amulet of Winter damage reduced from 40% to 20%. (BUG)
  • Winter’s Wrath recharge was increased to 5 from 4. (BUG)

-Jesse | @Darokaz

External link →
about 6 years ago - /u/Darokaz - Direct link

Originally posted by epicbluej

Yea I've gotten 2-3 legendaries since the update, none have been for the javelin I'm using. A friend of mine, hes gotten 5 legendaries, not a single 1 has been for his javelin. Either its a bug or they're trying to increase the grind in a dumb way.

A legendary drop should always be usable by the javelin your using when getting the drop. Not sure if possible for MW drops, but its annoying enough that my almost none existent legendary drops are now going towards other javelins I have never used once.

This sounds like a bug. There is a chance you can get a masterwork or legendary for a javelin other than the one you are using, but it’s really low. I’ll follow up with the team.

about 6 years ago - /u/Darokaz - Direct link

Thanks for the replies everyone. I'm reading through them all and sharing the reported bugs with the team.

about 6 years ago - /u/Darokaz - Direct link

The fix for Masterwork Embers dropping more from harvest nodes is now live.