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As people continue to discover Anthem, we expect a deluge of topics that solely ask questions and doesn't allow much leeway for discussion or speculation. To prevent a number of similar posts, we'd like for y'all to ask your simple questions here. That way, other people can chime in with a response. You can be as general or as specific as you'd like. Also, check the FAQ or previous megathreads to see if it's already been answered. You can also try asking on our Discord server in #anthem.

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about 6 years ago - /u/BioChrisSchmidt - Direct link

Originally posted by drwiki0074

There has been some feedback about weapons and the fact that they all look the same, even for masterwork weapons, will we potentially see more designs in the future that offer more variation and "wow" factor when you posses them?

Can't really talk about the future, but we definitely leaned more into personalization of your Javelin, as that is the character you are staring at in a third person shooter. Typically weapon appearance is more obvious in a first person shooter, as it is the most visible representation of your character.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioChrisSchmidt - Direct link

Originally posted by JeebsFX

What with micro transactions being such a sensitive subject in the gaming world, wouldn't it be better to be upfront about the model for them prior to a release? People at least know what they're walking into and those that will complain can get it out of the way early.

*Edit more refering to pricing I think it would be a good PR move to have this information in the open before release, PR wise the information we currently have on micro transactions Is great but there's always room to improve, I think slapping the pricing out in the open would be a bold move and be great for PR.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioChrisSchmidt - Direct link

Originally posted by I_Am_King_Midas

Have they said anything about new ultimates or new javelins yet?

No we have not.