about 6 years ago - /u/BioChrisSchmidt - Direct link

Originally posted by kjersgaard

Absolutely! That's still cosmetics purchased from currency earned from playing the game. I think there is speculation at least that there will be a large amount of cosmetics that are separate from the currency earned in game and only from a 'premium' currency source we have to straight up pay for.

Not a thing. If we sell it for 'premium' you will have another way to obtain it by playing the game. There are no 'premium only'.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioChrisSchmidt - Direct link

Originally posted by PiCkL3PaNtZ

how long does it take playtime to earn enough coins for a cosmetic like 24 hours? or is it resonable??

Tough to say. It depends on the thing you want, how much you play, and what kind of things you do when you play. Can you buy the entire catalog by playing 30min a day? No. Can you target a thing you want, then save up some Coin by playing the game in order to buy it? Yes - but again it depends on the quality of the thing you want. Cooler stuff usually costs more. Hopefully that makes sense.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioChrisSchmidt - Direct link

Originally posted by allstarpro

Will cosmetic items bought with coin be time exclusive? Or will any cosmetic be available permanently?

There will be both