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Since the launch of anthem it’s been nothing but a headache for me as my Anthem experience is literally unplayable. After finishing the heart of rage and communicating with Owen I went to select my interceptor after becoming level 2. Now forever stuck on the INVESTIGATE FORT TARSIS mission by opening the forge it never opens. It opens a second load screen after the first one. But wait there’s more every thread, Twitter, and page that mentions this issue is swept under the rug and No one acknowledges it or has. But there are other players having the same issue why are we not seeing this on every feed? Why aren’t we seeing a patch for this unplayable game breaking issue???? After putting into 4 tickets on EA help and receiving zero responses, tweeting their mane twitter page and now Jessie Anderson @Darokaz the global community manager for Anthem and Andrew Johnson @UNTDrew the BioWare global community lead I’ve been hoping for a response on this issue but there’s nothing? Why is this not on all the feeds?

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about 6 years ago - /u/UNTDrew - Direct link

Hey there. I’m sorry you’re having issues with the game. The team on the EA Help side will get to your ticket as quickly as they can, I’m sure.

I do apologize for the negative experience you’re having. Hopefully our experts can get that fixed for you ASAP.

about 6 years ago - /u/UNTDrew - Direct link

Originally posted by Grimmjowreaperz

Thank you

I hope you know I’m being genuine here. I want you to get to playing as quickly as possible.

Unfortunately I am not the technical expert here and this will be best addressed by our help experts at help.ea.com.

If you’ve put in a ticket already, they will get to yours ASAP. Thanks for your patience here.