over 6 years ago - /u/BenIrvo - Direct link

Originally posted by Superfluous999

I have, like, so many concerns about Anthem that it's made me concerned. Here, I'll list them all.

  • If I'm a Storm, and my cape is damaged, will my teammates be allowed support abilities to sew it back together?
  • If I'm a Interceptor...wait, they don't even HAVE capes! This is concerning.
  • They're not showing enough content! They need to stop all this effort to finish development in time for their release and finish one-off builds to do daily streams showing me all the gear and all the customization for all of the Javelins. Oh, and I work from 10-7 Pacific so also, do it while I'm not at work.
  • I'm concerned this will be like Destiny. Also, I'm concerned this won't be like Destiny.
  • In the Division, they did these things I like. There's 72 of them, and I think Anthem should adopt between 70 and 71 of those. That's in the attached spreadsheet and color coded in terms of priority.
  • For the streams, pick people that are really good at the unfinished-and-still-in-development game so I can see all of the things I mentioned above, plus not be "underwhelmed by the combat."
  • I want more and less Grabbits in the stream, please.
  • I'm totally not going to pre-order this game. Just wanted to let you know that.
  • ...but if I were going to pre-order, hypothetically, you need to have a full game at launch just like these 5 other games I'm going to point out below, 4 of which aren't even in the same genre as yours.
  • When you say "open world," do you really mean open like a door where sure it's not closed but maybe it's just open a crack so technically it's open but you can't see what's behind it unless you peek like a creep through the crack? Also by "world" do you mean an entire planet??? Because that map didn't look like an entire planet.
  • Don't have microtransactions, as those suck. Also, don't have expansions. Charge me $60 for the entire game and I hope you plan on rolling out new content and supporting it for infinity off that $60.
  • Okay so maybe I did pre-order already, but I really hope you guys give me everything I want for the game plus more things I haven't even though of yet but probably will in the next few months before release.

(I'm obviously being 100% silly)

Oh I see what you did there...