over 6 years ago - /u/BenIrvo - Direct link

Originally posted by iGameYT

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Weekly Update 11.11.2018

You can find all the weekly updates archived at www.fort-tarsis.com. Follow this rad duo on Twitter: https://twitter.com/FortTarsisHub

Let's dive in..

  • Mark stated that the crafting system should stay relevant through the life of Anthem: Source
  • Get ready for tons of customization unlocks, Mark suggested that there will be pallets that can be unlocked, full color wheel, and skins with pre-decided colors. More to come on the next stream, which u/BenIrvo stated could be as early as this week, and Ben has committed to showcasing the stream from the Interceptor's perspective as it's the only one we haven't seen yet: Source & Source & Source & Source
  • Mike Gamble showcased the first of a few amazing customization shots this week:
    • Interceptor: Source (Note the little flower looking thing in the image is a stand light from the Forge (Source)
    • N7 Interceptor: Source
    • Scaly Interceptor: Source
    • Colossus: Source
    • Colossus Landscape shot: Source
  • Helmet, arms, legs, and chest can all be individually swapped out on your javelin, and these are all swapped out in pair so you won't have a different cosmetic for each arm: Source & Source
  • Ben shared with us some feedback from the first round of Alpha testing and some changes that came there after. Source linked and key notes below: Source
    • Loot:
      • We’ll be hosting more focused testing sessions on loot in the future.
      • All loot is personal (not shared with the team), and we’ll make tweaks to ensure that’s clear.
      • You will be able to access all loot obtained from a mission upon return to Fort Tarsis.
    • Missions:
      • Mission content in the Closed Alpha was limited, so some players felt there wasn’t a lot to do. We will be adding significantly more content into future builds.
      • Critical expedition bugs were fixed.
    • Progression:
      • Players asked to extend the amount of time they can be airborne, which will be tied to progression and was not available in the Closed Alpha. This type of leveling will be tested in a future build.
    • Play With Friends:
      • Some players felt it was hard to find their teammates. We’re iterating on some UI elements to help with this.
      • We are planning to add a way to help players who get stuck in the world, details TBD.
  • Again, we won't be able to change our jet color, or even have something like auras, at least not at launch: Source
  • There will be progression to our Javelin's Support Abilities for each gear level. Currently, its unsure whether its a % increase over time or if it applies to the duration of the ability, or even the cool down: Source
  • Explosive rounds are likely a perk found in our Javelin's rifles: Source
  • Not straight from the devs, but had to share this amazing art by Lazarre: Source
  • Our Javelins will showcase different animations based on whether or not their at low health or even have status effects applied to them: Source
  • The white line you see on the health bar of an enemy after damaging them showcases a visual indicator of the damage applied: Source
  • The gear we equip to our Javelins will have certain perks that can increase such things as armor, health, etc. The source gives you one tweet, but read through the context of everything side in the line up: Source
  • Most weapons won't be restricted, but there will be some restrictions in weapons at higher level. Such as the Colossus being the only javelin able to equip heavy weapon types: Source
  • For you distant pathfinders out there, Sniper rifles do indeed have scopes: Source
  • Double jump is not available to all javelins, and yes there is a cool down to double jump: Source
  • For the future, so possibly not at launch, after using our dodge on our javelin there could be gear set perks that allow for key combo abilities, example from u/BenIrvo (i.e on dash increase next melee attack dmg by 50%): Source
  • There will be a squad leader on your team, and they will be the one deciding the mission difficulty: Source
  • Ultimate's for the javelins are still being tuned: Source
  • Your javelin will showcase your gamer tag: Source
  • There will be some sort of vault, bank, or armory system for storing your gear and weapons: Source
  • u/BenIrvo stated that they are looking into how they will handle AFK players in your party: Source
  • Even though we may or may not have fall damage, there will be consequences to overheating such as losing flight control and crash land: Source
  • For those true jet fighters out there, yes you can invert the flight controls if you wish, but no you can't loop around like a fighter jet, and you can slow down: Source & Source & Source
  • Yes you can shoot through the Ranger's Bulwark Point ability just as you can the Storm's Windscreen: Source
  • Mark gave us another glimpse of our starting point in Anthem by stating that we will start in Fort Tarsis, at least once we complete the tutorials that is: Source
  • u/BenIrvo makes us all jealous with his Saturday afternoon: Source
  • And the last tweet from u/BenIrvo late Saturday night, the stream will likely be on Thursday, November 15th at 3PM (CT), then this morning he confirmed it. Get ready we have another live stream coming this week =) : Source & Source

Next developer stream is set to showcase an in depth look at our customization options and possibly loot, which as you know now could be this week. The devs continue to provide us with new information so keep asking questions on twitter gamers! Remember to tag with #AMAAAA.



These are great. It’s a good recap for the Devs also!
