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because im having the time of my life blowing up sh*t and flying like iron man, cant wait for the full release.

Also im a really picky person and dont usually pre order games. I dont care about EA i care about how much i like the product. You can find bugs in every game. I encountered a few, but nothing horrible. Few audio skips and button bug but nothing disasterous, a few framerate drops also.

Maybe its only me but after a LOT of runs on normal and hard im still not bored. The customization system is deep. The visuals are very good. Free content is a plus.

I was neutral about this game, till i played it. I was suprised about how good the gameplay is, it got me hooked.

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about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by kjersgaard

Hi Stronghold Lead u/BiowareBen, any word on the tuning of the Scar Hunters? Even on normal they feel too dangerous for the amount of shield/hp they have. I've had so many groups wipe to pairs or triplets of these it's nuts. They are incredibly tanky for the amount of damage they do. I feel like in general easy is a bit too easy but normal is a bit too hard.

Other than that, the game is amazeballs. Congrats on what I hope will be a huge hit. I think the vast majority of us love the game and can't wait for end of Feb. Also don't let them add PvP. Thanks :)

I love this tag team thing going on. So yes we actually have been revisiting all shielded enemies this week (across all difficulties) and will likely have some pretty good balance changes going in for launch. That said we’ll continue to tweak and tune these values after launch too if they continue to feel off.

Until then don’t forget that lightning and ice damage do extra against energy shields while acid and fire damage do less.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by SanguineCretus

This. I have noticed that when trying to combo one primer into a detonator instead of casting it I activate my wind wall for no reason. Like the previous input is still "held" even though there was a second of input delay. I didn't press them at the same time it was one after the other.

Yeah this is something we’ve been getting feedback on with PC too, having a delay between casts. Though on console I imagine it’s more of a pain because combining the buttons casts your support ability (unlike PC). I’ll kick this over to the team to look into. Great report and feedback.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by lvnna

Speaking of which, I noticed that the button combination to cast the support ability is a bit of a hit or miss, and can sometimes trigger if you press one button, release it fast and the press the other. This is specially noticeable when you're trying to chain combos, I put my Wind Wall quite a few times that I didn't want to. Is this working as intended (so it's not too hard to cast the support ability) or something you guys can take a look at? Thank you :)

So the support abilities do have a priority to them which allows this (to an extent). This is indeed by design to make sure you can be super reactive to save yourself or others when you need to. But, the accidental triggering is something I think we want to try and avoid, so we’ll see if there anything we can do.

about 6 years ago - /u/BiowareBen - Direct link

Originally posted by originalbars

Thanks so much for responding!

My pleasure.

about 6 years ago - /u/BiowareBen - Direct link

Originally posted by cobrarsnake

Ok but the problem I kept having with quickplay is that I always kept getting loaded into the end of the mission. Maybe as a compromise enable to ability to do a private quickplay. Still hyped for the game just based on the limited gameplay time and the fact you you guys have done an amazing job at communicating with the fan.

I agree it's not ideal. And it's something we'll continue to look at in live. We understand that the desire for that is there. I hear you.

about 6 years ago - /u/BiowareBen - Direct link

Originally posted by arathorngr

Thank you very much This type of communication won the day 1 purchase from me!

Can't wait to see you in game! Glad you'll be joining us.