about 5 years ago - /u/CM_Ythisens - Direct link



Do you feel that? The winds of winter have finally dwindled, and the birds of spring have begun to sing their songs once more. Sometimes it felt as though the greenery would never return, but the snow has melted away and revealed the lush (and now blooming!) jungles of Bastion once again.

Starting today, Icetide has come to an end. Thank you to all of you who experienced it! We hope you loved the snowstorms as much as the jungle rains. However, that’s not the only notable date to pass recently. 22 February 2019 was the release date for Anthem, meaning our first anniversary was this past weekend. One whole year. It feels like both a lifetime ago and as though it went by in the blink of an eye.

Whether you’ve been flying your javelin from the very start or you suited up along the way, we couldn’t have gotten this far without you. Your feedback, your creativity, your passion—all of it has driven us forward.


To celebrate this occasion, we’ve released an anniversary gift for all players who log in until 24 March. If you’re wondering why the wraps may look familiar, it’s because they’re actually based on the heroic freelancers who adorned the original Anthem key art that decorates the box for the game and various promotional art! For more details on this gift, be sure to check out our blog post on it.


Alongside today’s anniversary gift, we released update 1.7.0. This concludes the Icetide event and adorns Bastion with the lovely blooming visage of spring. Be sure to read over the release notes as they cover a great deal, including how the game will function in the time to come.

From here on out, we’re going to be a bit quieter, though, during the post-Icetide period. We’ll still be around and will provide Community Cortexes and the like when appropriate, but we’re otherwise going to be heads-down and working hard towards the future.

It’s been our pleasure to be your Cyphers (AKA, your community team) all this time and we look forward to continuing this journey with you in the many days to come. But always remember…

Strong alone. Stronger together.

Leaderboard Results

To put a wrapper on Icetide, below are both the top scores from the final week.

Week 11

Check back later for the final scores!

As always, be sure to let us know what you thought of Icetide and any feedback you have on the overall game! We’re always listening and we'd love to know your thoughts on it, so feel free to share your feedback with us HERE.

Until next time, Freelancers,

—Anthem Community Team

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