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It's gonna be a long read but bare with me for a moment, and ofc every piece of feedback is appreciated has the feedback i am giving it most likely has flaws.

Crafting System

Well by now i think everyone agree this first implementation is a very basic with no depth at all. Just grind those embers and materials and craft something that might or not come with good inscriptions. My feedback to evolve this system it’s very similar in how it works right now but with a few new features, this are the new features.

  • Tiered Curated MW Blueprints

This concept makes use of the one already in game but where you defeat 10 legendaries with a specific weapon to unlock the blueprint for said MW weapon. That would be the first tier, second tier kill 20 legendaries with that weapon to unlock a curated inscription out of 4 with a god role(max value). Keep the tiers and requirement growing until you could get a fully curated MW.

After this unlock challenge to have a Legendary Blueprint with random inscriptions, this challenge would be tied to a end-game activity at GM3.

This system can be expanded if other rarities are introduced in game.

  • Upgrade MW to Legendaries by TYsir

Taking another idea from diablo 3 - upgrading MWs into Legendaries:

A player may pay a collection of materials to upgrade a MW to its legendary counterpart with random rolls - lots of farming


Upgrade s MW to legendary with improved rolls so same inscriptions but improved

Each of these requires lots of materials either single MW investment for legendary gamble or craft lots of MWs til you get one you want and upgrade it for a high cost

  • Reroll Inscriptions

This system is potentially less time consuming then the previous ones if you get lucky.

You can reroll one random inscription, with embers a a bit of materials, but completely at random. This won't guaranteed a curated or max value inscription but you could get lucky and get it first try. This will only apply to MW and above rarity.

  • Master Crafter

This system would only be for lvl 30 players and above.

It would be tied to the mastery system to be introduced in-game.

You would need to to a specific set of requirements to unlock this new system.

After you unlock this you could go into the world and do activities and start seeing new items drop. What are this items you ask! Simple they are inscriptions! They will never substitute any loot you already have available to drop but they will be added to the possible loot drops.

They would range in rarity and potency like the current inscription system and would be also limited in where they can go.


Elysian Chests

This one will be relatively short.

The concept is good implementation not so good. Once again as much has my feedback has been you need to create player engagement and not just, i’m sorry for the language but, slap some loot on a chest give a key to open it and it’s done.

Cosmetics are also quality tiered so it makes sense the chest would either give more with each key depending on the difficulty you are playing or only give the cosmetics that are specific for that difficulty tier.

Introduce armor pieces not packs.

Remove materials.

Let keys to be stacked, haven't tested yet but there are reports of if you don't use the key it will get removed at reset (testing this today). Confirmed keys stack by our good sir BrenonHolmes Once again ty for taking some time in your busy day to answer :)

The duplicate protection make it work like Overwatch the duplicate will give you 75% or 50% of its value in coins, that would make players not feel so bad to get a duplicate since they can invest that coin in what they want (has soon has a the store is redesigned). Being like this the limited time would make no sense so you could remove it.

Edit1: Introduced a bit more feedback on the Elysian chests like, let keys be stacked and remove the time this chests are available.

Edit2: Upgrade MW to Legendaries by TYsir

Edit3: Keys do stack confirmed by BrenonHolmes

Edit4: Wording thanks to LessonNyne

External link β†’
almost 6 years ago - /u/BrenonHolmes - Direct link

Originally posted by alem_pt

Will do. Currently at work so can't check it, but has soon has i am home i will update everyone.

You can stack keys, they aren't reset at the end of the day. 😊

almost 6 years ago - /u/BrenonHolmes - Direct link

Originally posted by CHBiGDoMe

So if I have 2 keys I could open two chests at the end of a stronghold?

Yep! 😊