over 5 years ago - /u/BenIrvo - Direct link

Originally posted by The_Back_Burner

Hi all, I'm confused about a few throwaway lines in the dev livestreams, and I'm hoping you lot could fill me in. Every time they're out in the world, they state that they've selected "Free Explore" or something similar, like they were unable to just leave town like other RPGs. Has anyone learned more about this?

I mean in Diablo 3 (and the Diablo series, really) you can just straight up walk out and start exploring; there's no mode to select or anything. However, this doesn't seem to be the case for Anthem. Which strikes me as weird considering you have a flying Iron Man suit. It's like you're stuck in town unless you go to a specific spot and say "I want to expore!" to an NPC or something. I mean, that kind of makes sense if you don't walk around town in your Javelin, but it feels weird that you can't just, like, walk out of town whenever you want.

Also, if all that's true, once you're outside, are you unable to fly back to town? Do you have to 'quit mission/free explore' from a menu? And are there no Dungeons or Raids to stumble on, you have to queue for them in town at a menu? Seems like Free Explore is a mode to pick to ensure you don't discover anything big, just an event or mob pack here and there.

Anyone able to fill me in a bit on how a 'Free Expoloring' mode works? Kinda hyped for a Diablo 3 game with Iron Man suits (which is weird to say as a D2 fan lol) but hey, the game looks fun.

Free Play is what you are after. There are a few “start” points for Free Play to save you flying all over the map. There is one outside Fort Tarsis if that’s where you want to start

over 5 years ago - /u/BenIrvo - Direct link

Originally posted by SofaJockey

Awesome. Is there a "leave" point outside Fort Tarsis as well? i.e. a 'door button' so you can leave Freeplay without having to quit free play in the menu?

You leave free play via the map when you are done

over 5 years ago - /u/BenIrvo - Direct link

Originally posted by vhqr

Are there any incentives to go Free Play, or Is there any point leaving town without a mission selected? Do world events trigger during missions or only on FP? Thanks in advance!

World events happen in free play. There are many more crafting nodes (for materials) in Free Play. Certain daily / weekly challenges can be done in free play .

over 5 years ago - /u/BenIrvo - Direct link

Originally posted by Atapt

Quick question, is there a minimap or map of sorts you can see while in free play?

There is a map