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I really don't want this to sound unappreciative as I am loving the new patch. This game is going to be in a really good place on the current trajectory, however loot is still a massive issue and is the major draw card for a looter/shooter. The shooter part is spectacular, the looter part... that's another story.

Below is a picture of my loot (including final chest contents) on a "legendary" mission, with full luck, on GM2... I know Bioware have stated they are not happy with the loot, but man, this is a bummer when it happens.


For those who might look at my gear and might wonder why I would complain as loot obviously drops like rain for me, it doesn't. It took 312 hours of play time playing colossus exclusively to hit 788.

Keep up the good work Bioware but please get this loot issue sorted.

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almost 6 years ago - /u/UNTDrew - Direct link

There are a couple of issues with loot that the team is investigating right now. We'll update when we know more. Thanks!