about 6 years ago - Anthem Game - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

2s Hey hello everyone hey welcome to
6s another anthem livestream oh is that
8s what we're doing here
9s yeah stream live boys start by thanking
13s Ben Irving for flying all the way to
15s Edmonton for the stream oh yeah I would
20s like to thank Jessie and fir for making
25s the stream tight in Edmonton because
26s Jessie and Lisa because because because
28s last time we did this thing it must've
33s been like bad juju that you were sending
34s through the yes because you only look at
40s the forge okay I keep forgetting to give
47s the disclaimers does someone want to
48s give the squamous to start with what's
50s the disclaimers oh you know like how
51s this is a work in progress and all still
53s in alpha build alpha build era bugs a
55s bunch of things go wrong but we want to
57s be transparent and share the game with
59s everyone and so we're gonna show it to
63s you anyway even though there are a few
64s perps that really went on a timer
69s ourselves out of the amazing stronghold
71s great segue Mike what's the struggle
73s yeah what strongholds are normally for
76s player adventures today we're playing
78s one of the strongholds called temple of
80s the scar we're not gonna get all the way
81s through because it's it's pretty
83s difficult we'll probably call it I don't
85s know half way there are 3/4 way through
87s pending on how many times you have to
88s res b-but I just popped my awesome but
93s so what we're gonna do is do with three
96s players instead of four it's through
97s secret Bioware hacks we're allowing
99s three players in jail for this one
101s because we couldn't find out why the
102s camera is okay glad to know I just um
108s the other thing is we're playing as the
110s Interceptor as you see from the main
113s camera we were all decked out in our
115s amazing Legion of dawn outfits pre-order
117s now pre having our pre-order now is
119s actually pretty sweet yeah so I think
122s they're looking at our big head still
123s but right in a second Jesse's gonna swap
125s to the gameplay for us right about 300
129s magical
131s okay yeah so no whoa so you mean no one
134s actually saw me when I pop the ultimate
135s pretty no no no oh I just have to call
137s it out all right so this is a stronghold
140s named temple of the scar
141s it is obviously a stronghold of scar and
144s it is potentially a temple look see
147s there's paintings yeah this is this is
149s an awesome awesome dungeon that our
152s stronghold that you're gonna be able to
153s play fun challenges ahead I think we
157s should supply quickly about our loadouts
159s and what we're playing shining we should
161s pray get started do you guys want I'll
164s go first so I'm uh I'm in the storm cuz
167s it is my favorite and I'm I'm all loaded
170s out too can be a primer I've got ice
173s attacks on both of my gear slots so I
176s will be trying to set us up for some
179s awesome combos I'm the javelin my
182s primary on the intercept in my primary
186s attack is glowsticks through
188s well-placed glowsticks I can coordinate
190s the team actually what I have is I don't
192s know what the call they're these
193s amazingly ninja star glaive things been
195s deafening for them I got a poisonous
200s yeah and then I also have a move which
203s will target any certain enemy and will
207s allow a higher damage on that I'll show
210s you guys later and so I'm playing the
213s Colossus my job is to do some protection
217s today so I'm playing a little
218s close-quarter I've got a shock coil that
221s you will see that lets me get up close
223s and personal and electrocute people and
225s then I have a heavy munitions fire on my
229s my right um
231s which can knock things out of the sky so
233s probably like our game play team play
235s strategy is John's gonna set up status
237s effects for us Mike's gonna try to get
240s combos with his melee and I'm gonna do
242s protection I also have the taunt that
245s will increase damage enemies take and
247s make them all shoot at me that's a
249s strategy cool Don do you see who works
251s cool I've actually never been in here
252s either
252s I just thought just wait for all the
257s glow sticks story we have to go now we
259s made one what was the one rule we agreed
261s on India
262s no no heroes
264s no it was for the big guy with his
266s shield logo mike is a hero no actual
270s heroes I'm talking here all right guys
273s stay behind Ben I need to move up to the
276s left for this yard okay so I'm up on the
278s rail okay I'm right behind shielding it
280s can we get us on the turret do you think
282s yeah I'm on it yeah I'm gonna need to
284s start that core good eyes
287s Carbon ironing it with my target er
289s target god that means is down the load
292s can you guys finish that target down
297s perfect perfect Oh coming back oh I also
304s forgot to mention my javelin build is
307s extremely adept at melee we got a sniper
311s down here okay don't taunt everything
314s again if you guys can just wait on it
316s all right guys behind Oh clean this I'm
318s gonna throw up some wind wall here dad
319s that's a little safer I'm gonna try to
322s get to this help or I'm gonna get down
323s oh me to something
325s Oh someone's behind us I just went down
327s okay I got okay I'm gonna just clean the
329s sides anywhere as you get that damn
331s sniper yep oh that with a casual
333s ultimate yes oh I forgot to mention
335s well this stronghold is on Normal
337s difficulty yeah and we are level 20 yeah
341s level 20 yeah okay so basically not
344s pleased this other turret okay you're
346s gonna get this Scout in the back done
348s okay I'm gonna push forward to the top
350s left I'm gonna get the second turret so
353s in the actual launch game actually let's
355s go to the right side sorry to you yeah
357s no no a the one that's frozen now I'm
358s going over okay flying over there quick
360s in the launch game this would be about
362s 3/4 through the Crypt path in terms of
364s our level
365s okay I'm tanking it where you shoot us
368s yeah
369s well I think I'm speaking all it was
371s time to do today she just said light are
375s it someone she doesn't like a boss I'm
379s gonna shoot it behind massive so nice
384s look at you yeah it's darling wanna so
392s this Ben who said you put some some
395s extra gear on me so when I do the chain
398s - it has a cool bonus yes I gave you a
401s component that when you triple - you
404s will reload your primary weapon I think
410s they gave it to you Oh
411s the alarms just got triggered okay
413s skaars have triggered the alarm
415s okay I'm gonna be down in the middle I
417s guess I think you guys can get the along
420s yeah let's get her try to make everyone
422s dislike me it moves around like a ninja
425s my ears are here making my eyes my
428s grenade little down bottom I'm gonna use
430s my ulti I should have Elyse destroyer is
432s taken care of I think unless I just deal
438s with the with the damage all all oh this
443s car you guys need help back there are
447s you good
447s this is nope alright okay I'm coming
451s down with you Joan you know if I can't
453s freeze that guy for you yeah and I will
455s just do this is that my order can that's
460s my face for those who can't see what is
462s happened in the face I think they call
464s that the window
466s Mike how you doing I'm okay whoa shit no
468s not okay by sniper cuz I turn my back
471s okay I'm gonna come up and get one of
473s these for you I'm just almost like
476s cheating check out the last one you got
478s it alright perfect now well we've got
481s another scarf layer down here okay I'm
483s coming to you this is almost like us
485s Cartman or Scarborough Scarborough I
487s think they called Scarborough
489s Scarsdale No
491s on to the source cars oh uh where we off
501s to now - I got a I'm coming item we
503s gotta kill the rest of the scars sounds
505s like there's a scout up the top don't
507s see ya he is playing it best to shoot
509s gonna try knock him down see what about
511s there yeah I'm in a shot all right
525s so one of the interesting things oh here
527s we go okay
528s shit we got a we got a biggie oh I'm
530s gonna pop my alt yeah I'm just gonna go
531s fly on them all see if you know first of
534s all thank you but most importantly I
537s need to toss these later out declaring
540s more killing I'm gonna go around there
543s cried once about whoa get in the right
546s guy go okay all right
557s oh there's a there's a there's a
559s treasure okay okay just stick together
562s make sure you got one of the things you
565s guys need so judging icon is if John
568s freezes something and Mike kills it with
571s his melee ability he will get an aura of
574s freezing so the more times he gets kills
577s off combos with melee the more he can
580s spread those status effects around this
582s way I was super helpful
584s anybody get anything interesting I got a
585s bunch of rest though I got some rares -
588s all right let's keep going
594s so we have to group up at some point
597s don't we to make sure we send it like a
600s door yeah go through the vendor the peg
604s way the +15 all right do your thing tank
613s yeah um go yeah I fully support you get
616s my shield up fashion everything falling
620s out yeah I swim all OH
624s snipers two of them I go okay what's up
630s here gather fuel sold okay right so this
634s mechanism obviously we have to you I
637s stole that one from you did yeah yep
639s that's fine
640s they let me help John with the hunter so
643s this mechanism I've got to so don't
645s either way to the top I'm trying to
649s explain to our people what the mechanism
651s is I pick it up and you put it in the
653s face there Oh goodbye my win wall yep
656s there's another Scout up here nice Oh
659s heavy on me I got my shield up also bad
662s guy can you freeze him get behind us
665s nice ought to get behind him the reason
672s it's fine
674s you gotta find a way out
681s okay alright
684s ninja Mike to the so I think I'm
697s carrying the one another hunter up job I
701s think I got him with the ninja stars
703s okay yeah go and I can't fly though cuz
705s I'm carrying the thing okay yeah I got
707s it Mike I'll get him
710s although a kennel in here nice fries
713s oh here we go yeah God take the +15
715s again that's up here hey there's a party
719s I'm gonna get a canister as whoa all
722s right this is do they all go to the same
723s spot yes they do yeah oh I see the
726s drop-off I see the skirt power to the
728s generator makes sense to all right one
733s more
734s no no it's down below us okay you guys
738s want you know what what I'll just go no
741s I mean you be the fastest cuz you can
742s triple - I mean can you triple - when
745s you're carrying it let's try I mean yeah
746s Mike yes hells yeah nice just no flight
750s actually so that's a head something we
752s should be very calling out so every time
754s you pick up something in the game and
755s return it to another thing you're not
757s allowed to fly
758s so usually proper team play would
761s dictate that your friends defend you we
765s defended you killing everything inside
773s don't think I got it
775s too busy explain oh yeah here we go okay
782s now I got it for reals nice all right
784s you gotta come up with another way to
786s stress what do you guys have for your
789s weapons I have a marksman rifle and a a
796s rare shotgun nice what did we give you
799s Mike a common bow no I think you've got
802s the double shot gun it shoots too round
804s hey so for some of you I think this
807s little white line for your other one so
809s jokes aside where you're not picking up
811s the thing guys
817s okay yeah you know maybe you can't - or
823s fly or whatever you're trying the other
827s see let's see let's I see it on your hip
830s right that's it isn't it
832s yes yes come on almost there almost
836s maybe I couldn't - maybe that was a bug
839s anyway doing it live we're doing it live
843s got it did this would be careful wait
845s right right ready I'm just using run I
850s wouldn't fly so we okay
853s so yeah I feel like a shotgun is
859s probably better for me right now yeah
862s the pistol was there for if you needed
864s range attacks yeah okay we got John 4:19
867s yeah okay so explore the scar nest feels
870s like a shocking trap okay I go
875s underground first up to a place that's
878s built up with visible scars here I'm
880s gonna charge in and uh talk okay okay
882s I'll throw up one wall to see if I can't
885s help this out it's on so gonna get the
889s nade launcher
891s nice nice nice humberto he did
905s now I'm a legendary Slayer apparently Oh
908s way to go metal I just got a the metal
912s says it okay
916s let's go to go up continue to explore
918s the right together hi guys Oh PES elite
925s have you done here where where are you
926s are you down back down yeah I'm under
929s you can you kill the elite heavy or do
931s you need my support required I am right
935s there flares
938s alright I'm signaling instructions to
944s you okay so I just a detonator trial
951s complete so in the game we have a number
953s of trials obviously Oh based on gameplay
956s what are you doing come on
959s and and you get them by being awesome
961s always been he's down there he's trying
963s as hard to get up just follow I mean
969s here I did fly up let's all party up
981s here put in this strategize event all
983s right right yeah so we're gonna do let's
986s go any kill some guys alright good
987s strategy good plan okay I guess I'm
989s going up this ramp can you imagine doing
991s this on on Hard difficulty or grass
995s master no it's almost like Oh at this
998s load oh oh okay so I'm gonna get this
1001s one straight from we have got gateways
1003s opening I have to blow the doors oh yeah
1006s he's behind I got one get to the choppa
1010s I'm toning everything done here was
1013s close oh okay so feels like the answer
1016s is work yes yes people I realize I just
1019s went to all um I'm gonna get down here
1021s so so one of the rooms guys be be aware
1024s is full of Mines like really full of
1026s Mines so uh so I feel like we move
1029s need to handle that one yeah I gotta
1037s compensate cuz because of the Boston
1038s stream last time like hey let's let's
1041s for the big shield guy and I'm up 1 HP
1046s Oh guys I need help
1048s oh this guy this guy right here I need
1051s help
1052s up going oh well you know what forget it
1054s Ben ok time for my ultimate where
1062s actually he's a legendary scar enforcer
1064s I feel like oh ok wait wait there's
1075s another sweet there's the mine room so
1078s what I'm gonna try and do okay I'll come
1080s with it yeah I'll just get all of mine
1081s because the problem with the miners like
1083s this out those at home who are who are
1087s seeing who's retinas are being burned
1090s around our shield oh did you don't worry
1093s about it ok I think I got Michigan all
1096s we have to do is get the one guys gonna
1097s get this thing right you know the best
1099s place to store explosive fuel is in a an
1102s illegal mines oh yeah like you do don't
1106s you even worry I'm just
1109s oh oh so looking at garden party out
1111s here guys
1112s Ben you come back yep ok good my way I'm
1118s gonna do the target thing on the the
1120s enforcer yeah nice yeah
1122s takes a little pair of taunt
1126s see if I can't freeze them up again got
1127s my short combos today's I post four days
1132s frozen meal a nice daily master sniper
1138s I'll go up and collect him for two more
1142s two more cans of propane for us to below
1145s that door I'll see if I can't freeze him
1148s down there Ben
1148s yep thank you I am using the autocannon
1154s microdermabrasion I think they call that
1156s so the autocannon yes skin rejuvenation
1161s yeah
1163s noted amateur dermatologist in on warmer
1167s and dog psycho yeah I think did you get
1170s that other than I get it I think I got
1171s it let me see I'm just jumping around
1174s guys hold the place
1176s good 505 all right good stuff now lost
1180s bones it looks like yeah I'm gonna go
1184s okay so what people can probably hear
1187s them open
1188s what's amazing so you have you have one
1191s of the characters in Tarsus and you have
1193s one of your ciphers over here doing
1203s heroic shit so what I wanted to be by
1205s myself so I could talk for so you have
1208s one of the characters in Tarsus named
1210s sev and your and your cypher who's kind
1213s of walking you through the strongholds
1214s for the first time every time you repeat
1215s a stronghold the or on the the
1218s subsequent repeats the dialogue is less
1221s because we understand you've already
1223s played it you kind of get the story or I
1224s know what's going on that's thoughtful
1227s all right all right there's a bunch of
1232s schoo good just clean up your skull it's
1234s just ground level toning everyone
1236s it'll grenade-launcher out there oh my
1239s group does shouldn't have done that what
1241s you do know I just flew right into the
1243s heart of darkness but we're good yeah
1248s yeah okay good like that
1253s lost guy oh yeah sure you can meet that
1257s job did you see that sometime say ten
1262s out of ten combo okay oh and I got the
1266s combo masa thing right as we're told
1268s nice you guys could see my screen yeah a
1271s real champion oh oh oh yeah we at the
1275s same gate or a different gates oh well
1277s there's a big scar heavy bit I'm coming
1279s down
1280s I'll taunt this for you guys get my
1283s shield up don't worry about guys I'm a
1284s drop you'll see how my shield working
1286s unfortunately it comes thank you
1292s okay there's more back there though you
1294s eat scar hunter get down there you go
1301s now die
1308s I'll come over t-mike cuz you got you
1311s got some guys on your back nope he's not
1315s happy I think this hit me on the other
1318s side of this wall oh wow okay pop my out
1326s I'll just kind of just yeah all right
1329s guys all right guys like the Mike
1331s Campbell show gotta bring ya you know
1340s for every good there's a team of people
1346s supporting me okay there's some
1347s underneath oh yeah John actually
1349s speaking of which so shout out to the
1351s the dev team probably watching you
1354s cringing at us thank you guys are making
1356s uh adorable they're working their butt
1358s off e finishing the game yeah we get the
1361s fun to actually show it off we do as
1364s long as this is amazing work and the
1366s team is is really driving strong towards
1369s the finish line
1369s except for Ben I thought you were
1372s talking about meetings that all right
1373s that's that not what was happening just
1375s kidding
1376s all right we got to go to the sewer hole
1377s in this way wait hold on for me would
1379s you get it you see us right there you
1381s yes yeah that's it's busy flying into a
1384s wall right oh wait did you say flare
1405s could you just like that path for me oh
1407s wow so helpful
1408s good okay good guys for the turret
1410s straight ahead yes holes right ahead
1411s like on the ground on the right I got a
1413s window all right down there
1414s okay burn there yes oh there's there's
1417s all right now he's dead the Turks dead
1420s first one okay I'm gonna go top right
1422s turret okay okay I wanna do it tell you
1424s guys already deleting it seems like I
1426s might rather things well oh yeah there
1429s right now these are rocket turrets yeah
1431s so yeah so you can dodge them yeah we're
1433s you know what says evade yeah
1435s [Laughter]
1443s were you at apparently I'm at the bottom
1451s dude I can't get up there I'm super low
1453s health wait you have I'm oh I just went
1456s down to I'm buying beer Venice and
1459s that's all you've been chilled up yeah
1464s there you go Ben you got this no of
1473s course not bro I'm taking a big risk if
1482s you can be my hero baby
1485s I'll go get I'll get ya I'll come with
1488s you and shield for you thank you thank
1491s you oh yes nighters up top all right
1493s shields all right that's my purpose Yeah
1501s right there it's all a shields down on
1504s super low health so yeah I'm gonna go
1505s after the sniper up here yeah yeah
1507s actually there's a rocket turret tour
1508s top yes I can take the turret maybe
1517s where we were yeah back where we were
1520s I'm Hani behind I see yes the problem
1522s with the problem is the rocket turret
1523s yeah so let's let's eliminate that as
1526s soon as I'm up hold Divus straight on
1528s that who's oh it was acid yeah okay now
1532s it's the acid down there oh oh it's our
1535s acid oh that's why I was dying guys I'm
1538s down on top of the box just kill it
1540s correctly I'm coming down all right let
1542s me soon I think that was the down side
1544s of us not wearing headphones all right
1549s the rocket or in the acid and I'm
1551s overheated okay I mean I'm gonna bike
1554s come on the the shipping price yeah oh
1557s this acid I got it you lost forever no
1561s it doesn't last forever oh you're being
1562s targeted by sniper yep
1564s okay well good we all alive I wouldn't
1569s describe it as good but I'm Esther I'm
1571s here who I and we all are you guys up as
1573s well yeah okay
1576s that was really cool though I'm glad I'm
1579s glad we had a good pair that now is
1580s masked
1581s I'm glad we had a good tank been save
1582s the day yes I was
1589s his name's Ben Scott I believe yes oh I
1592s trigger the next event you guys close
1594s yeah I have like 0 health still you know
1598s so this so this whole just destroy all
1601s the turrets no problem
1602s I played that wind wall up okay nice
1604s well I'm gonna get my voice and then
1605s she'll just take me down okay i mr.
1610s Parris's we got snipers up there I think
1613s it starts still first there right yeah I
1615s think Oh God
1616s go chuckling got come on the turn got
1620s the turret yeah it's her take a moment
1621s take the easy adds on so my combos Olsen
1624s a how easy which is like super ho we've
1626s got snipers my girl yes my book
1629s okay I think I think the snipers are all
1631s good now oh there's lots of healthful
1633s real animals
1634s okay hey that's instanced you know yeah
1638s but there is a bunch go as you would
1641s call them godless goblets cuz thats
1643s goblets over here my for like a bit of
1646s fun how is this another sky up there oh
1653s I've got another turret down am i behind
1656s your back
1657s I'm gonna die gate down at that where is
1660s that hard is it off come on what is up
1662s there just how does another scout I'm
1664s going all the way to the roof yeah okay
1666s me too I'm calling it kind of
1667s controversial raise hang up
1670s don't do that don't raise the roof
1672s whatever you do
1673s well that's it's hard out here no wonder
1675s okay yes yeah
1677s I'm just tanking it was she okay good
1679s I'm gonna slide behind it on my shields
1680s hopped out ships were down there oh nice
1682s nice freeze nice John that's why you
1686s brought me see good day okay turret turn
1689s on the mid-level yeah I just got out
1692s first nice nice microdermabrasion Oh
1696s going after the turret just gonna just
1699s tank that turret by myself all
1701s overheated that's calling me the
1703s kamikaze I'm here alright nice nice work
1707s okay how are we looking for time should
1719s we try to answer some questions
1720s shall we shall we answer some questions
1722s this seems like a nice time to be we
1724s want to kill yes we should wrap up the
1727s thing pretty soon as per the note on our
1729s monitor oh but do you want to take take
1732s the rest of these guys out because they
1733s are pretty annoying they look juicy
1735s alright are you coming with me or you
1738s still out there
1738s okay I found a hole water how do you
1740s like them apples
1742s oh come on come up up up how far up top
1747s all the way all the way on top whoa and
1750s then hey check check this out check this
1751s out very good oh I can't see but but
1760s guys guys yeah yeah I might actually be
1762s sure I kind of wish that I had my own my
1766s ultimate oh I've got my opener
1768s so just fire it's just just fury there
1771s we go off-road mine alright so yeah lots
1781s more that fun to do
1782s there's an amazing boss at the end of
1784s this and you're gonna want to play it
1787s for yourself pre-order pre-order
1788s pre-order
1789s yeah yeah we don't want to we don't to
1791s [Laughter]
1794s Mike okay
1796s so questions
1798s now what do we have what are some of
1800s your favorite combos to do you well so
1804s one of my faves is you know when you
1806s have the legendary fries going on and
1808s you do it you pull off the combo how it
1810s spreads out you can actually chain that
1812s to a lot of different enemies and kill
1815s whole mobs if you're skillful yeah it's
1817s important I think again to just explain
1819s a little about the combo system that
1821s each javelin has a specific way at
1823s combos so with John Storm if he triggers
1826s a combo it spreads the effect so one
1828s person's frozen a new combo the people
1831s around it will freeze yeah for the
1832s Colossus if it's frozen and I combo it
1835s will do a OE explosion around so I'm all
1838s about that
1838s a OE damage for Mike he inherits the
1841s freeze as a aura and then can run around
1843s and freeze other thing one is
1845s interceptor right and then for the
1847s Ranger it does like a huge crit damage
1850s spike so it's best for that single
1851s target damage so I think as people play
1854s the game while the depth will be around
1856s like not just spamming every combo but
1858s actually thinking about who's in the
1859s best place to do a combo right yeah that
1862s is that's really awesome
1863s hey are we showing this spring or are
1865s they looking at our big heads I think
1866s they're showing the screen are we no
1870s we're not uh oh it's our big guy the
1872s best screen it's just it's just the end
1875s of the expedition we're all getting our
1877s rewards and our challenges and checking
1879s out our loot okay back now y'all know it
1881s now we're back alright guys any big Luke
1884s yeah we're not looking at I can't got a
1888s bunch of medals um obviously though the
1890s lauds on those two icons are bad work in
1895s progress
1895s yeah yeah oh did we give a disclaimer I
1897s think we did yeah game's not done until
1900s done oh yeah yeah although it looks
1903s amazing so so Alliance tier well play
1913s harder Mike yeah play harder oh look at
1915s my reveal question asking questions
1923s let's go back to questions is it
1926s possible to complete a stronghold with
1927s four of the same javelin absolutely yeah
1930s it's not it's some
1931s when you go home Florie interceptors
1933s against the temple this car you're gonna
1934s want to upload that video because that
1937s is some bragging rights right there but
1939s sure it's actually intended that way you
1942s know if you pick different support
1943s things like you could do for Rangers and
1945s someone takes Bulldog shield and that
1947s will protect you and then someone else
1948s is taking the thing that increases
1950s bullet damage you know you can build
1954s someone to bring frost grenades someone
1956s to be damage like as long as you're you
1958s know kind of trying to make a
1959s well-balanced squad that can do
1961s close-range long-range some control
1963s combo set up stuff you can absolutely do
1965s it nice can you customize the legion of
1968s don skins
1970s we're TBD on that we want them to be we
1974s just want to make sure that we set them
1975s up right so that even if you customize
1976s them they still look awesome so we'll
1979s talk about that as we really get close
1980s to ship for now expect that a legion of
1982s don skins look awesome like this and
1984s that you should be able to do you can do
1986s the color stuff yeah the color stuff yes
1988s that any more than that we're kind of
1991s holding out on you'll see yeah we'll see
1993s I'm rooting for it are there any loot
1996s drops that only come out of strongholds
1998s no so the way the loot system works is
2002s its loot tables and then the heart of
2005s the content you do the higher chance you
2007s have of getting better with a variable
2010s if you do like a stronghold honorably
2011s how difficulty you'll be getting really
2013s rare epic you know even as the work and
2016s legendary gear as opposed to if you were
2019s doing free play on easy you're more
2021s likely to get the kind of lower rarity
2024s gear you want that master work as you
2026s showed in the last ring if it has a
2027s master work property on its right which
2029s is Sicily so okay so what's next
2035s will there be void in game yes yes yeah
2040s of course
2040s both on all the time and push-to-talk
2042s you can have the talks on the PC and
2046s of course for the platforms for the
2048s consoles of course or days
2050s will there be dedicated servers also I'm
2054s in North America will I be able to play
2055s with my friends in the EU yes and yes
2058s one of the cool things about having
2059s every session hosted on a dedicated
2062s server is that we're able to sync up the
2065s day and night cycles the weather world
2068s events so you know it really feels like
2071s we're all living in the same world even
2072s you know you're in North America and
2073s you're playing your friends and meet you
2075s but you're both gonna experience the
2077s same things in the game yep I realize I
2080s skipped four questions to read mine well
2084s it's never be much so players on or
2092s unstrung holds more than once will there
2094s be something that keeps me coming back I
2096s think that was kind of answer with a
2097s weak question you tend difficulty that's
2100s it it's the best way to chew chase
2102s master work and legendary gear and
2104s weapons just by running strongholds
2106s cranking up the difficulty until you're
2108s running in it that Grand Master 3 yeah
2110s yes for those of you haven't followed
2112s the game very closely we have six
2114s difficulties in total three of them are
2116s opened during the crit path no easy
2118s normal and hard and then we have three
2120s more difficulties which are top tier
2123s unlocked at level 30 I'm Cole
2125s Grandmaster one two and three and that
2127s is also scalable on our side so we can
2129s continue to cool uh can you explain the
2135s metal system yeah so feats on any
2139s mission or stronghold or whatever or a
2141s series of things you can achieve to earn
2144s bonus XP at the end of the expedition
2146s right so you might have one that's like
2148s hey trigger five combos in this
2150s stronghold and then you would get extra
2152s experience at the end or you know get
2155s get 10 kills with weapons or whatever
2158s though and they're coated bronze silver
2161s and gold yep just like you'd expect from
2163s a metal yep and some of the challenges
2165s that we have in the game are also tied
2166s to certain crafting things we'll talk
2169s more about that stuff later
2170s have we mentioned that the cool thing
2172s about playing as a group playing
2173s together is that we all get to share in
2176s that
2176s ex-people you should explain that I
2178s think that needs a little bit of
2179s explanation so we love it when people
2182s are playing together the game really
2183s plays well when you're you're in a squad
2185s and when you're playing as a squad you
2187s actually all share metals and therefore
2190s you you share XP yeah so playing
2193s together is going to be a huge advantage
2195s for you yep
2197s is there matchmaking for strongholds or
2199s do we need to form up as a group so
2200s there is matchmaking a strongholds it
2202s works much like the matchmaking for the
2204s rest of the game
2205s you can match make into an existing
2207s group you can have your friends as part
2209s of the existing squad you can invite
2211s your friends but yes you could totally
2213s matchmaking if you don't have any
2214s friends you can make new friends you can
2216s also make what is that glow stickability
2222s glow stick ability well it's a highly
2225s overpowered by lady that were probably
2227s at Murphy dances it's basically just
2232s it's in a mood its emotes after you get
2235s a throw and you can actually use it to
2237s communicate hey look over here my family
2239s went down there and a favorite mote that
2241s wasn't obvious it's true it is it's this
2243s paper will there be raids yeah so we can
2248s we can answer this question kind of so I
2251s think we believe that every game needs
2254s aspirational content yes so the idea
2256s that there's a lot of activities that
2257s you do in the game and it feels
2259s meaningful to have this long tail chase
2261s towards something either something that
2263s is challenging or something that it's
2264s rewarding or that gives you better stuff
2266s and so at launch we have a lot of
2269s amazing aspirational stuff to do right
2271s as you go through the crip path and get
2274s towards max level you know you start you
2276s know getting more a better idea of what
2279s javelin you want to play what role you
2280s want to play and then you start kind of
2282s chasing this loot and getting really
2283s powerful and then as you enter like the
2286s elder game you have strongholds that you
2288s just saw today and legendary contracts
2290s yeah and as you're doing these harder
2291s difficulties you're building these
2293s loadouts and creating these synergies
2294s and play styles and trying to work out
2296s how to take on the hardest challenges
2298s and then
2299s you know how to do that by yourself for
2301s a bill but then amongst a group of four
2303s players to keep pushing and then as we
2305s into the Live service we plan to add
2307s more and more stuff we whole stuff we
2309s have some really exciting aspirational
2311s stuff for live service that we're not
2312s talking about yet that'll come you know
2314s pretty soon after launch that will be as
2316s players have done all this amazing
2318s content we have at launch there'll be
2320s some more stuff that I think everything
2322s you do will get you ready for the things
2324s that come later and we'll be talking
2326s about that next year I mean it's cool
2327s and it's different and we don't call
2329s them raids but it feels aspirational
2332s content and we want to talk about it
2333s it's just we just do just can't just
2335s can't do it yet and best of all it's
2337s tied into the very fabric of the game
2339s and the chaotic that we rolled and so
2341s we're really excited about it um we're
2343s supposed to right now let's just take
2344s two more questions because I think a
2345s couple on there which which people have
2348s been asking for a bit is Mike so I mean
2356s I was just jamming on melee so when you
2358s have when you have your ultimate ability
2360s melee is is obviously unlimited until
2363s the ultimate ability ends in normal in
2367s normal play it doesn't seem like it is
2369s bendy of the beats yeah so and actually
2371s we've changed it a little bit since this
2373s build so we made intercept a melee of
2375s the greatest thing of all time it was a
2378s little a little too great there are some
2381s nuances with it so turning the combo has
2384s a little bit of a cool-down we've
2386s reduced the damage a little bit because
2387s a bit crazy but what you can do is on
2390s smaller enemies you can use the
2391s intercept amalia ability to kind of
2393s stomach them so you can like create a
2395s situation for your friends to take
2396s advantage of someone lockdown but that
2398s won't work against like a ska heavy or
2400s something more or meaningful so I think
2402s you know the primary uses will be like
2404s do you need to walk something up for a
2405s friend are you trying to trigger a combo
2407s and that'll be like weaving those two
2410s things and then using your weapons and
2411s gear in between is kind of where we want
2413s that dance to be so that's where we're
2414s trying to balance it right now cool cool
2416s and then sorry no just gonna our final
2420s question um this game is so incredible
2423s and I'm so excited for this game okay
2426s that was just an that I just made that
2427s up
2428s where can I find out more information
2429s about the game in general obviously the
2431s website stuff is usually PO
2432s if you follow one of us three on twitter
2435s we are usually answering questions and
2436s kind of promoting different answers and
2438s different questions so people can hear
2440s more about the game
2441s these live streams have been having
2443s greats for us to be able to communicate
2445s yep so we'll continue to do that and
2447s yeah I mean as as fun as it is for you
2452s all to watch us play the game it's even
2454s more fun for you to get your hands on
2456s the game and that opportunity is coming
2458s up yep we've got two demos yep
2461s coming up we have got the VIP demo which
2463s drops January 25th and you can get into
2467s that opportunity by preorder
2470s pre-ordering the game we're having a
2471s Fourier Access subscription or a friend
2474s who's in that because we're gonna give
2476s away some codes to share yeah and then
2478s all just gonna say just before we kind
2480s of wrap up just room to say thank you to
2482s our amazing production team both Jessie
2484s and Lisa for putting all the information
2485s sorry all the old a misconstruction
2488s together I guess that we could post a
2490s stream and share and then obviously as
2492s we mentioned earlier a special thanks to
2494s all the devs who was still working
2495s tirelessly on finishing this game we
2498s like Mike Sarah are excited to get to be
2500s here and play it and kind of share it on
2503s behalf of all the devs but they're the
2504s ones you know in the background doing
2505s all the hard work so special thank you
2507s to all of them indeed so let's let's
2510s close with looking one more time at the
2512s awesome Legion of dawn trailer and it's
2515s awesome is awesome and we'll see you
2517s guys next time peace see you next year
2519s holidays these coming stronger together
2525s in the beginning
2528s we were slaves to the violent chaos of
2530s this world but there was one among us
2535s heroes that were to lead us out of
2540s darkness the ones who followed became
2544s the Legion of dawn and protected those
2548s who could not protect themselves
2552s in the end she traded her life for our
2557s future it is in her honor that we fight
2566s and it is her legacy
2570s that will carry the day
2580s [Music]