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Minus the 30 minutes of pure Panic and disappointment, Anthem has come through with flying colours in my eyes. I got in a Solid 6 hours prior to work, starting around 7:40am this morning. Not a single disconnect, not a single moment of lag or rubber-banding, Match making was working well, Thankfully I didn't experience any 9 to 5's from the ViP.

I don't know if I was just lucky af this morning, but Cheers all you hard working folks that made this game possible! Keep it up, itching to get off work go ram some more stuff!

Just got home, and some buddies starting play, and we noticed that the stronghold from the Vip was selectable. Turns out you can do it with a lvl 17, 4, 3, and 8. Boy howdy did it take a bit on hard. but we did it.

Key not to this is too remember Gear drops according to your level. aka the 3 and 4 only got a handful of grays, the 8 got a couple greens, I got a decent pick of blues, not defiantly wouldn't submit myself to that again till later on.

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about 6 years ago - /u/UNTDrew - Direct link

Glad you had a great time this morning, Rax!