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about 6 years ago - /u/BrenonHolmes - Direct link

Hmm, I'll take a look when I get in to work tomorrow. 😊

about 6 years ago - /u/BrenonHolmes - Direct link

Originally posted by PDCH

I think what has happened here is that the inscription is confusing. When you read it, it sounds like you get a full ult charge on large hit streak - but I think what it is saying is you get a single "tick" up on your ult charge. After discussing on this sub with others, I figured out it is working, but it would be nice to get a better description. As you can tell, there are quite a few players confused by the wording of the component. Thanks for being connected with the community!

Ah, that makes sense... some of the wording we use for the inscriptions could probably be improved. 😊

I'll still poke at this a bit tomorrow morning and see what I can find out about how the charges work.

about 6 years ago - /u/BrenonHolmes - Direct link

Originally posted by lonewolfshade

many of the wording you use for components and inscriptions need a second pass to make sure it follow some sort of guideline so they all provide a clean indication on what they do.

The components that give - and + at the same time confuse players the most.

other wordings like 7000% extra ultimate charge on vipers bite fail to convey the information you actually trying to tell the player.

just changing it to inform players that it means each hit on enemies will fill the ultimate bar 7x times faster would be much easier for people to understand.

perhaps: each enemy hit adds 7x the base value to ultimate charge

or something similar.

Yep, I agree - especially about the "things that are better when they're smaller" category. 😊

about 6 years ago - /u/BrenonHolmes - Direct link

Hey, so I dug into this a bit... at a high level, every 10 hits you get a small boost to your ultimate bar.

There's a 1 second timeout on the hit streak - so you're probably best off using an AR, SMG or LMG (some Shotguns might work as well). There's a 3 second cooldown on the proc.

When it triggers, you get a small boost to your ultimate meter (currently 3% per proc, this is in addition to all of the other sources that increase your ultimate bar). The net effect of using a rapid fire weapon is that your ultimate should charge faster. 😊

about 6 years ago - /u/BrenonHolmes - Direct link

Originally posted by Paintball_Taco

Hey u/BrenonHolmes first, I want to say I appreciate all the work you all are putting into the game and I’m looking forward to playing it as it grows. Most of these people don’t understand how intense and time consuming it is to search thousands of lines of code to find one small error.

Second, my question. Any information on if there is a fix incoming or in the works for Titan’s Hail, the masterwork/legendary colossus ordinance launcher? It’s special skill (is now a detonator ability) doesn’t work at all.

I'm out today, but I can look into it tomorrow! 😊

Edit: Haven't forgotten about this, didn't get a chance to check it out today - I'll try to hit it up this weekend if I get a bit or on monday.

about 6 years ago - /u/BrenonHolmes - Direct link

Originally posted by DaLiftingDead

Just to add to that, Stasis Chain, the Storm ability has the same issue of no detonation. Could be the ability text is poorly worded, but I figured I would add this since it seems to be the exact same issue.

Thanks! Keep up the good work!

Thanks - we have bugs logged on these! 😊

about 6 years ago - /u/BrenonHolmes - Direct link

Originally posted by Paintball_Taco

Awesome, thank you! Enjoy your day off. You all deserve it.

Thanks 😊

about 6 years ago - /u/BrenonHolmes - Direct link

Originally posted by radiantkeen

To add on to this, this masterwork effect does technically work - I get the combo proc bonus effects, but there's no combo text/effect or AoE damage.

That's great information, thanks - I'll make sure to pass that along to QA! 😊

about 6 years ago - /u/BrenonHolmes - Direct link

Originally posted by fanny_bandito

Hey there, Brenon. I feel badly piling on here, but since you seem to go so far above and beyond when it comes to responding to these kinds of thing, I was wondering if there's any chance you might be able to take a look at the way ability recharge works for javelin abilities with multiple charges.

As things stand now, if you have an ability with 2 charges, and you fire off charge #1, it will, as expected, immediately begin to recharge charge #1. However, if you fire off charge #2 before charge #1 has finished recharging, you lose all the progress you had towards the recharge of charge #1. This means that once you've fired off charge #2, it will begin recharging charge #2 from 0. At that point, if you're in any kind of extended engagement, it really doesn't matter that you have extra charges, since you're either waiting double the recharge time for 2 charges, or the normal recharge time for 1. Assuming you time your uses perfectly from that point on, your effective DPS is the same as if you had only 1 charge. But should you ever miss that timing, and use your charge #2 while charge #1 is still recharging, then you're actually lowering your effective DPS as compared to having only a single charge on the ability.

I think a lot of people get excited when they see a legendary with +gear charges, but I don't think many of them understand the very limited benefit they are receiving from that inscription.

Yes, I'll pass this along to the Gameplay team - this may be on their radar already... but let's make sure 😊.

about 6 years ago - /u/BrenonHolmes - Direct link

Originally posted by Aghoithae

Please, can you pass them that loot bug too, as of now we don't have confirmation its acknowledged :

Some of us are getting a really weird loot bug, whether on PC, Xbox or PS4 :

GM1 / GM2 / Only white and green loots !? The loot part of the last patch went reversed for us!

Playing as ranger at lvl 30 on GM1 or GM2, and every activity as of stronghold, mission, freeplay, except the final chest of Strongholds where two purple and one MW drops, each other loot or chest give me or white or green loot, and ONLY white and green, this since 1.0.3 patch. Repaired the game, unistalled then reinstalled changed nothing.

Bioware, are you aware about that ?

You can see other complaint and pictures here : EA Bug report

Just checked in with QA - we have a bug tracking this issue!