over 5 years ago - /u/BenIrvo - Direct link

Originally posted by Invoker_Paragon

Will ALL of the items with Masterwork Property, the Orange Text property, be viable?

In Diablo 3, there are plenty of legendary weapons that uninteresting unique passives or "Orange Text Properties". This eventually leads players to have one or two legendary weapons / armor that works with their sets / game play. Sure you can use any legendary weapon, but you will not be doing the most optimal damage.

Some Diablo 3 items are very nit picky about only using their property / legendary effect at a certain point in time, or has a very lack luster bonus, deterring people from using it. Examples include:

Blood-Magic Blade

  • Blood oozes from you

This provides no additional damage bonus to a build


  • Chance to summon angelic assistance when attacking.

Summons a very weak additional ally, dealing very little damage. Adds nothing to gameplay or item synergy.

Anessazi Edge

  • Zombie Dogs stuns enemies around them for 1.5 seconds when summoned. (Witch Doctor Only)

This bonus is ONLY applied WHEN a Zombie Dog is summoned. Playing as a Witch Doctor, you would want your Zombie Dogs out as much as possible because other Legendaries amplify your Zombie Dog damage and your Zombie Dogs take aggression from enemies.

I understand that having these "Filler" legendaries fills up the loot pool more, forcing players to continue the loot grind, but when that legendary drops, it is an instant dismantle.

My final thought and plea is that all the "Orange Text" on a Masterwork and above should have a place in each build and synergies well with other legendary weapons / components.

Our hope is that you find all the weird and wonderful ways to make them viable. We set out to make them viable. Time will tell :)