about 6 years ago - The Anthem team - Direct link
  • The tethering timer for missions has been increased. Players should now have more time to catch up to their Squad before seeing a countdown timer.
  • The Swarm Tyrant encounter in the Tyrant Mine Stronghold can no longer be reset by the entire Squad exiting to the main menu and rejoining the session in progress.
  • Players are no longer able to reopen chests that had already been looted in Strongholds. 

In addition to the above updates we have deployed the following hot fixes:

  • Items will no longer have inscriptions on them that are not appropriate for that specific item. NOTE: This only applies to items obtained after the patch. Items obtained prior to the patch will still have the same inscriptions they had before.
  • Masterwork crafting costs have been reduced from 25 -> 15 Masterwork Embers. The amount of plants, metal and parts required for crafting a Masterwork item have also been reduced.