about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by PastOverFuture

/u/biocamden Any chance we can get a response to this? Why is this in an online-only game? Could probably improve performance for everyone with this gone.

I unfortunately not at all familiar with this aspect of our game, it’s simply not my area of expertise. But I know we got plenty of feedback and reports about loading and optimization.

Edited: Removed the part that was a response to “Why is this an online game?” because I misread the question.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by Kazan

Camden, this is the first time i've seen a post from yours that seems just a tad tone deaf, but i think it's because this bit of technology is outside of your area.

Denuvo is a much hated anti-pirating software, it does a bad job at preventing pirating - and it is redundant for that purpose in an always connected online game. It is known to cause performance and compatibility issues, and people have privacy concerns about it.

This is a very dangerous thing and could very much blow up in your faces for having used it

Hey Kazan thanks for the insight and honesty. You’re certainly right that this is outside of my expertise. I try to hop in where I’m tagged with any insight I can offer, I just don’t have any here.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by OWRaif

I think you misunderstood his second question, it's not "Why is this an online game only" but why is Denuvo in an online game only.

Think we can all agree that Anthem is made to be played with others

You’re right OWRaif I did miss that, thanks for pointing that out. One word made a huge difference there.