about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by N4rwha1

I feel like although it's a small thing adding it to the game will make gunplay feel A LOT smoother and so much more satisfying, if anyone knows what I mean like for example in Destiny 2 headshotting dregs and just seeing that satisfying death animation along with the sound of the bullet is just super satisfying and makes you want to aim for those headshots :)

We have headshot sweeteners. Open to feedback after you try the release build. Lots of combat mixing has happened since the demo build!

Pro tip: you can control the player bullet impact sound volume in the options :)

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by GuiHayashida

The sounds in the game are amazing! If I had to give one feedback is just to add an elimination confirm sound. STAR WARS Battlefront 1 didn't have this and they add in SWBF2. Another example of this is The Division 2, they added a sound after confirming a kill that turns the gameplay so much more crisp and responsive, I think it would be great in Anthem!

Thank you! Noted.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by khrucible

I hope you haven't taken away that satisfying "ping" when you pop a Scar with a headshot kill :)

Still there :)

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by SexualStallion

Mmmm nothing better than the audio director commenting. You know, I absolutely love the acoustics and sound of games, it‘s an insanely huge part of the game, but people rarely notice. I‘ve watched lots of live-streams about Anthem because my Dual Core PC can’t handle this (try me bruh), and I gotta say - The Sound fidelity is awesome so far, but guns, for example, still need a punch. Not talking CoD Style hitmarker sound-effects, but something more „space-ish sounding“, a satisfying noise that’ll make you go „mmmmm I wanna keep shooting“. The guns just lack a bit of the special something. Have you ever played Borderlands? Shooting a sniper rifle was amazing. It felt so satisfying, and you just kept shooting enemies. It was simple, yet there was so much power behind it. You want to feel this as a player.

I also saw this „ninja javelin“ pretty often, you know, the one who relies on close combat abilities, and he seriously lacks the „punch“. You need to feel each hit, you want players to get addicted to each move they do. It currently sounds like he‘s hitting air, rather than an enemy. It would become rather stale after a while, just because that noise is missing. I can’t explain it, but you surely understand what I‘m talking about. You‘re the pro.

Everything else is amazing, so thanks a lot for the ear-related masterpiece you‘ve directed. I‘ll join the javelins one day, so I can enjoy it even more.

Both of those are fixed :)

We found some bugs in the mix on both, mostly thanks to everyone pointing us in the same direction on here, so thanks!

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by Arcalane

The combo one is great, but it's kind of hard to reliably score headshots with some weapons given the way recoil behaves in the demo builds right now.

It feels like sometimes my guns just kick randomly out of synch with their rate of fire, and my crosshair bounces up and down - it feels very noticeable with ARs and LMGs. Is there some hard flinch from incoming fire, or is this a bug?

I'm not sure, I'll ask Boldwin (our resident gun person).

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by Trylander

Did you also worked on Guns sounds in general, cause gun gameplay lacks severely impact because, shooting sound is quite flat and enemys are missing impact animations. I mentioned it here https://www.reddit.com/r/AnthemTheGame/comments/akokk9/no_spoilers_my_impression_on_things_that_needs/ already changeging sounds is prob. the easier way to infuse some impact into gun gameplay instead of creating new animations.

Yep, should have much more impact in the ship build.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by Trylander

Sorry to say it this way but men can you stop f**king teasing me :D I already can't wait to see the final game. It's already unhealthy the amount of hype i stack inside in me. But thanks for reply rly apreciated!
