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about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by TrendK


Can you tell us why the Grand Master difficulties were reduced?

We’re constantly balancing the difficulty modifiers prior to launch. I’m not sure what you saw previously versus the most recent update you saw. But I can assure you we’ve done our best to tune these difficulties to what we feel is appropriate.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by TrendK

Last i saw for grandmaster 3 was the 3100% to enemy health and damage. Now its at 950%. Does this mean weapons are going to ve rebalanced also?

Again, I’m not sure where you saw that most recent number so I can really speak to it unfortunately. There’s been a ton of game capture for press, marketing, game changers, etc over the last month or two and it could have realistically been from at any point in that time. I can’t remember where we landed off the top of my head for difficulty modifiers but everything has been balanced accordingly yes.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by dowens90

The most recent number was showcased in the This is Anthem Part 2 Endgame vid

Gotcha thank you! Yeah I just took a look at that. I believe that is old UI footage.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by DemonikFaith

Do you know what the difficulty for hard was percentage wise for the demos? I’m trying to get a good comparison for that to the adjusted difficulties. Definitely appreciate all of your replies and involvement with the community. I’ve been looking forward to this game for a long time u/biocamden

I can’t remember off the top of my head unfortunately. We’ve changed quite a bit for overall balance and tuning including overall creature shield amount in hard and GM1, and other modifiers alongside overall creature damage and health. We feel like they’re in a pretty good spot.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by Alizaea

u/BioCamden u/BenIrvo I am sorry for pinging y'all, know we ain't really supposed to. But can we get clearification on Why exactly we cannot do freeplay in private? I, and probably many others, would love to be able to launch up a freeplay session so we can get ready and wait for our friends that will join us. It is incredibly boring just sitting on the "Launch" screen just waiting for them to get done in Tarsis and ready up. Why can't we do a private session so we can play with our friends? Or did this QoL improvement just get swept under the rug or was it even thought about?

I am sorry if I come off as a little rude in this, but seeing that freeplay can't be played in private was the first and only time I actually lost hype in this game and made it actually livid. I am trying me best to be professional in this question, but to have to constantly go back to fort tarsis just because a new friend got on and they can't join you is, for lack of a better word, it is complete asinine and not something that I expected from a Bioware game.

Besides that, thanks for the communication and I am looking forward to the game, just want to know what the reasoning for that asinine restriction is.

Hey Alizaea I unfortunately don’t have the context to be able to answer that one. I wish I could be more help. I do know that post-launch (starting now) that we are going to be doing a lot of quality of life improvements and if this ends up being a big friction point that we can certainly take a look at it. I totally understand what you’re saying.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by Lone_Rover

Hi there! I don’t want to seem rude, but do you know that some (actually a lot of) people don’t really like how the weapons look? Are you going to change the appearance to more unique? I’m asking, because javs look soo good, and it would be cool if the weapons had the same “quality”. Thanks.

We discussed this a lot this week and have something in the backlog to review and discuss what (if anything) we could or want to do for retrofitting weapon variants and models after launch. No ideas yet on whether or not this is something we will end up doing for existing guns, but it is certainly something we’re aware of.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioChrisSchmidt - Direct link

Originally posted by Luckys224

Has anyone heard if there will be time-gated crafting? Like, "this item will take 12 hours to build". Not like it will change my mind about playing the game, but I'm just not a huge fan of that kind of gameplay.

No, this is currently not a thing.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioChrisSchmidt - Direct link

Originally posted by Nojh

So during the open demo, I tried out Freeplay only to suddenly have the mission end because one of the other people in my freeplay ended the "mission". This happened several times. Is this a feature of the full game or a bug ?

This was a bug

about 6 years ago - /u/BioChrisSchmidt - Direct link

Originally posted by Professor_Snarf


It seems the same currency is used for crafting as well as cosmetics. Will there be enough available though game play to do both?

My fear is that in game currency will be drip fed, and a player would tend to save it for crafting (because crafting has a measurable effect on gameplay) versus cosmetic (which has none), in turn feeling forced to shell out real money for cosmetics.

TLDR: Will we have to choose between power and looking cool?

The design of crafting material harvesting is not to be scarce. Freeplay provides the most efficient and best way to gather crafting materials.

We also sell crafting materials for Coin (the sweat/grind currency), but the intent there is simply convenience of you need that last one or two or ten extra materials, and you don't want to go out to delay to gather. It's another option available to you but certainly not meant to replace going out and gathering.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioChrisSchmidt - Direct link

Originally posted by etham

Will there be a material conversion mechanic similar to how you can trade say x10 common embers to receive 1 rare ember in the game?

No plans at launch, no

about 6 years ago - /u/BioChrisSchmidt - Direct link

Originally posted by Morrkai

Anyone know if experience gained is only from completing achievements / missions? Do we get experience from killing enemies?

Experience comes from feats. One feat may be to kill 50 enemies, but there is no experience gained outside of feats (such as XP per enemy). Feats reset every expedition (and they are earned and shared as a group).

about 6 years ago - /u/BioChrisSchmidt - Direct link

Originally posted by Kingblue11

They apparently just said in the Twitter AMA that Freeplay can't be private, so yes, but as long as the party isn't full. =/

This is correct

about 6 years ago - /u/BioChrisSchmidt - Direct link

Originally posted by xTheWildPanda

are we going to be able to make multiple characters?

Yes. If you want to replay the story or roleplay as a different character, you have the option to make an additional pilot. You will share some things account-wide however, like unlocks, currency and challenges.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioChrisSchmidt - Direct link

Originally posted by HeartySalmon

u/BioCamden or u/BioChrisSchmidt - any info we can get on how inscriptions and components can/will stack before Friday?

They will stack. What exactly would you like to know?

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by LessonNyne

Seeing as how the demos were a taste of the game, do we know if some of each of the Javelins abilities were not available in the demos? Such as Interceptors Nova Strike. Or was Nova Strike and some other abilities removed from the game?!?

u/BioCamden u/BenIrvo

All Javelin gear was in, Nova Strike was renamed to Wraith Strike.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by HeartySalmon

u/BioChrisSchmidt Is there a limit to the stacking? Say, can I do something dumb like put on 6 "ultimate inscription" components with 10% buff for 60%? Or three combo consumables and get the max bonus? Or are there diminishing returns?

Hey Hearty! Sorry for the late reply. All component are unique-equipped by type. The inscription stats on items however can stack.