about 5 years ago - The Anthem team - Direct link

Now that Anthem has been released worldwide, we’d like to share some of the incredible shots from the game taken by the community.

That N7 vinyl looks sharp, but not as sharp as these blades.

Credit: @Anchor654

Veteran lancers know the importance of perfecting their hero pose.

Credit: TheMomoKu

Open the pod bay doors, Haluk. (or “Let nothing jeopardize your mission, Freelancers.”)

This Interceptor looks positively cold-blooded.

Credit: @Aeonue

The instruments of the shapers are powerful, unstable, and dangerous. They also make for great photo ops. 

Credit: @FireDragon04


As you venture through the world of Anthem, keep sharing your personalized javelins using #MyJavelin or here through the Anthem website.

Anthem is available now in both Standard Edition and the Legion of Dawn Edition for Xbox One, PlayStation® 4, and PC. Play the full game with Origin Access Premier or try it first for 10 hours with EA Access or Origin Access Basic.*

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* CONDITIONS, LIMITATIONS AND EXCLUSIONS APPLY. SEE ea.com/ea-access/terms AND origin.com/store/origin-access/terms FOR DETAILS.