about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by tripleshot44

Just an update on the demo. My daughter and I ran all the missions and stronghold together. We had a blast! The loading problems aside, (we were able to work around those with the exit and reload trick), the gameplay was super fun and we are looking forward to next weekend's demo! Love your passion for the game and support for the community! We definitely created some memorable experiences with more to come, I'm sure!

That’s awesome Tripleshot. Thanks for coming back and giving me an update. Here’s to hopefully many more with Anthem. Glad we could be a small part of it.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by SunDirty

I was honestly worried that i would hit burnout with this game like destiny 2, but the consistency and high potential of you guys communicating with us directly like this, and especially here on reddit where most people go for information, is the thing that makes me excited to play and stay engaged with the game. The only time ive ever witnessed magic like this is through Overwatch, and still to this day I play that game because of the wondrous communication that they have kept up with us fans.

In my opinion what makes a game phenomenal is the communication with its community behind it. So please, talking to us and giving us direct transparency like you have been makes us feel like we are part of your family.

Thank Sun! <3