over 5 years ago - Anthem Game - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

3s [Music]
20s [Music]
26s all right we're live hey hey everyone
30s this is our inaugural first-time
32s livestream from Bioware headquarters in
36s Edmonton and Austin and we're gonna be
39s looking at a little bit at this game
40s called ant hem also known as anthem to
43s some people I'm Mike gamble I'm a
46s producer here at Bioware and I'm been
48s having I'm also a producer here at
50s Bioware and we're gonna be showing you a
53s little bit of gameplay today that I
55s don't think has been shown anywhere else
56s we're gonna talk a little bit about
59s where we're at and kinda you know just
62s kick this thing off so that later in
63s coming months and weeks we can we can
66s really start to share more and more with
68s the community about the game now and
71s we're doing it because we hit a pretty
72s big milestone right Mike we hit alpha
74s yeah we hit alpha a little bit about
76s that alphas dope so I guess what Elfa
79s kind of means is that we have most if
83s not all of the major features in the
84s game the game is is running the game is
87s connected together as a cohesive unit
89s and some of those features may be near
92s shippable some of those features maybe
94s less than that but it allows us to take
96s the next what three three and a half
99s months or so been it was a ship it yeah
102s and it's really exciting time because
103s it's it's the point where we start
105s getting lots and lots of feedback you
106s know obviously throughout this whole
108s project we collect feedback at different
110s stages from various groups but now's the
112s time we can open it up a lot more we can
114s share more information with the
115s community we can start running certain
117s tests and getting that figure which is
119s really exciting for us because after a
120s long time working on the game it's
122s amazing to be able to show different
124s pieces of it to all of you definitely
126s and we kind of mentioned up the hop that
129s the Ben and I are produces on the game
131s there's a massive development team
134s behind the scenes working on stuff and
135s in the next coming weeks we'll be able
137s to show you more and more of those folks
138s they'll kind of guest guest star on the
140s stream and and we'll go from there man I
144s was trying to maneuver to wave at you on
146s screen you keep moving sorry sorry dude
148s alright so I'm just gonna flex instead
150s and then do my little well thing so bad
154s last night we were
155s going through this we're talking about
156s it so our wonderful PR and marketing
158s partners they had some feedback for us
161s about how to make this dream more
163s entertaining so what they told me first
167s of all they told me not to wear a white
168s shirt so those two assistants that one
170s failed yeah no no no fail fail on
173s purpose
173s step two they told me to smile more so
176s so I think both of us we really need to
179s smile a lot more during the live show
181s and I want like a smiling person
182s naturally mic so that wouldn't be a
184s problem for me but I'll take my cynicism
187s and I'll Park it okay so what we got
189s here we are in free place so free play
192s is a mode that you can select from the
194s forge allows you to as it says you might
197s be surprised play free
199s I'm the storm here and my cool
202s customized storm and I am playing as the
205s Interceptor and in fact I decided given
208s all the community feedback that I would
210s keep myself out with a melee build today
212s so as we go through and fight some
214s things we can talk a little bit about
215s what that means in the context of anthem
218s but we should probably jump off and fly
221s together we will fly somewhere we're
224s gonna probably hit some world events I'm
227s off all right so hey remember yesterday
230s when we were like hey Ben you should go
231s first because then we can show both on
234s the screen at the same time yeah but you
236s were like hey but you have to memorize
237s where to go I was like I'll totally do
239s that like I don't remember okay so in
243s that case stop just wait let's go
248s wait what are you doing okay oh shit
250s grab it's one down did the rest of them
258s just leave yeah that's right why would
261s they stay around they don't they're not
263s weaponized so I actually kind of do
265s remember where to go but why don't you
267s lead off here because I was gonna
269s mention one of the things I love about
270s free play is that you know every time
272s you come out into the world you have a
273s really unique and different experience
275s so the way all the creatures spawn and
277s the different events that can spawn it
279s makes exploration really exciting
280s because every time you go out it's
282s slightly different so I'm telling you
284s right now hey awesome
287s yeah trying to maneuver the shaper
291s relics that I see here and you seem like
293s my cooldown bar kind of what flatline
295s there oh are you gonna go to the whole
299s way underwater no no no I'm seeing a
302s world event up here arcanists have have
305s requested some help so world events are
306s dynamic depends on where you are in the
309s world and they spawn different things
313s Oh search for an arcane vault all right
316s this is helping out the arcanist faction
317s a little bit yeah I took the scenic
320s route I'm a little behind but I'll catch
322s up
324s should we open the so do you want to
334s talk a little bit you're in the storm
335s you were trying to show off abilities
338s and gear that players hadn't seen before
340s do you want to talk about what you have
342s equipped yes so I oh okay I triggered
345s the scar attack so let's just oh there's
348s a scar do we have both now yeah so okay
351s I'm gonna dive in there okay can you
353s just cover me from behind I will do that
355s indeed so I'm gonna use my lightning
357s fall which kind of bounces around and
359s I'll try and crowd control a little bit
361s hitting I'm gonna get some altitude hold
366s on
366s good yeah I gotta back out a little bit
368s here but let me know when you set up I'm
370s set up hitting it on the top I'm gonna
373s serve my third gear piece can debuff
375s this big heavy here so he takes bonus
377s damage so I'm gonna do that you can see
380s the B I don't know hahaha get you did
383s you die no no no not yet I have to run
384s away this is crazy
386s oh I think we're about to lose the first
388s event all cerise yeah oh yeah I'm on
392s fire so I can't fly hey what difficulty
396s did we put this on friends in PR
397s marketing are we getting in trouble
400s right now oh we are we're controlled in
402s front of thousands of people so this is
403s actually freelancer difficulty which is
406s apparently the middle of the of the
409s introductory difficulties yeah this
413s should be good this is the middle one I
414s think what we did is we triggered two
416s events that's fine so why don't we just
418s go this way and then just do it one
420s at a time yeah we ain't running so okay
423s so I'm gonna get this these guys here
426s just gonna reload I'm gonna charge in
431s now yep
433s the thing about the storm here is is my
437s natural play style is to hover as much
439s as possible and provide some remote
443s support from the air
447s of course without a shield I can't hover
449s as long so I have to recharge my shield
451s make sure I'm going up and down hey so
454s this group of Scour on the right I think
456s it's a good chance to use your ol tapey
458s can and you know clean up whatever you
460s miss yeah I'm gonna just get a little
461s bit of altitude all right gonna pop my
463s alt here I'm gonna come up as well just
465s let me know when you go all right
467s I'm gonna bring it all down now I'm
469s diving in going in nice nice nice
473s all right hey got that heavy he's right
476s beside you yeah
486s and then so once we get these guys down
491s let me show off a little bit about this
492s intercept to build if we get it if we
495s ever get a break yeah we're nearly there
497s okay I'm gonna get this flyer
500s let's go hunter other I got a I got a
505s crossbow that go down alright okay I'm
507s psycho duck out for a little bit here
509s backing off
511s did the enforce tries to go down like
514s and so I got aggro on him okay I'm
517s coming it's gonna get this hunter out of
519s the way so I stop getting destroyed I'm
521s gonna throw down a wind wall to protect
522s me yep okay I'm flying over I'm just
527s gonna alt here as well actually to take
529s the rest of them out okay and then I'll
531s showcase the alt later with with the
533s stream folks yep alright so I'm on the
537s heavy now alright good
538s nice nice my ultimate lets me become
541s invulnerable for a brief amount of time
543s to straight and then does a lot of melee
546s damage to everything I can hit that was
549s a nice hole clean up hey come help oh
552s wait for me coach okay so that fly as a
556s problem as well so I'll try and show off
559s the melee build a little bit here so I
561s can - to him let's get this knife I can
564s dash in and then use like a lightning
566s kick basically as a one-two combo into
570s melee there we go down
572s alright this work
577s I got them with a lightning lightning
581s ball it's on the ground finishing off
585s all right perfect
586s we got a couple more stragglers yep so
594s what um I don't remember what weapons
597s you chose to equip do you know I have
601s let's see actually I have more of a lot
607s of DMR decision rod is a precision rifle
610s yeah I'm using the same so kind of my
613s makeup is precision rifles so I can pick
615s off any high-value targets I want and
618s then I'm using like a it's kinda like a
620s double-barrel shotgun merge with a auto
623s shotgun so it has two shots up front
625s okay I kind of pay with my melee build
627s so I'm gonna try staying close as
629s possible so I have an idea for this
631s world event so because this is time so
634s when we open the world event we we're
635s timed and I have to get if fragments
639s back within a certain amount of time so
640s you focus on the spawns I'm gonna I'm
643s gonna just go after them and try and
644s cleat the world event to get to get the
646s XP that sounds good and then if I get in
649s trouble or just probably have to come
650s and help out all right going for them
653s okay there's still a bunch of scouts
655s here let's get there we should be fine
658s all right shooting points I need five
667s and like we said these shooting points
670s this world events is random so we could
673s have never planned this one shooting
675s points also also Owen who are our cipher
682s is needs to say a different line all
686s right good shut up all right okay you go
687s - all right got it
688s I got a return to the cart to the vault
690s yeah I still got all these scars okay
694s okay dude you're gonna you might have to
696s help me out I have to do an annex here
698s so this part of the world event is I
700s have to hold this area down okay I'll do
703s it really I have to hold this area down
706s well I'm not seeing you very oh never
708s mind there you are
709s no I'm going to use the the rifle so I
711s can stick it back in oh yeah thanks if
716s you have a win wall that would be super
718s helpful all right more do you where do
719s you want it facing this other solutes
734s let's finish off these are and we should
741s off the storm ultimate a little early we
743s don't need to talk about what it does
744s though so do you want me to explain it
746s or do you want yes so once once I pop it
750s oh nice did it awesome they're running
755s away I think now yep perfect
757s that was tougher than I thought it'd be
759s thanks for that yeah all right so let's
764s see now let's go down let's go through
768s here yeah
773s what tonight oh yes there's still multum
774s it so it's almost mostly cool you
776s activate a mode and then you can drop
778s three big area abilities you drop a a
781s fire one and ice one and a lightning one
784s and then the fourth time you push
786s trigger it'll drop a meteor on top of
788s all three of them so it's a really good
790s way to take out a large group of mobs
791s and and get a lot of crowd control going
793s and so you saw Mike do it in that first
795s scenario where we were a little
796s overwhelmed he kind of got rid of all
798s the low-level guys and then we could
800s focus down the big scar at the end yeah
803s it's super helpful for cow control the
806s strike going down here Arden's Road yep
810s I will follow I go into this crevasse
815s Here I am actually I hate - pretty good
821s yeah I'll skim the water as well should
825s be fine so one of that kind of advanced
829s technics of traversal is working out how
831s to use cooling things like water to
833s extend your flight duration whether they
836s are waterfalls or skimming the surface
838s of a lake or a river or whatever or
842s actually going underwater and as we're
845s as we're kind of flying through question
848s from twitch other than traversing
851s towards waypoints is flight useful for
852s situations like combat support roles
855s absolutely so right now I'm actually
857s playing a support role you see see been
860s on the ground fighting in this quick
862s ninja like way I'm paying above yeah and
869s I use it especially on close-quarter
872s characters you know you've got a
873s reposition a lot in those combats and
875s you could really see my screen so a lot
878s of the time I'm flying around to flank
880s people or get behind them even if it's
881s just for short bursts its releasing yeah
883s so we hit another world event here it's
886s the shaper relic is gone
889s terminal so we need to gather the
892s fragments with it
895s crappy thing about some of these relics
897s is the longer you leave them the more
899s they're likely to
901s bro and explode basically have to keep
903s them in check by attacking them so let's
909s see who's let's see who's pumped so we
920s need to find the echos here as well yep
922s yep so so on my um on my compass there's
926s a bit of a radar type thing in there
928s that's what we're looking to follow so
930s one says it's above and over here up
934s there just one in the sky I'll keep
938s shooting there rel okay yep alright so
944s I've got three echos I'll go and deliver
947s oh and oh alright
954s three down I have to go but that means I
956s think that they're gonna be on to us
958s yeah a bunch of creatures just formed to
960s the west
962s oh the Dominion Katie's guys are super
963s tough man yep so I'll just try to hold
968s them off for a bit but I'm probably
970s gonna need some help okay I gotta get my
972s shit back we've got some creatures as
976s well some wolves oh I'm instantly
977s half-dead okay
979s it's unfortunate Kate you need me to
983s provide some air support yes alright oh
989s okay there's a Dominion Valkyrie over
991s there
991s aka a Dominion storm also the Valkyries
996s have access to storm suits and they're
998s super powerful so you gotta break that
1000s shield it's knock them out of the sky
1002s and then take him down so we can either
1004s take out all the smaller ones first and
1007s then get her lost or try to get about
1009s three foes I'm just trying to figure out
1011s the area I was getting shot at I had to
1014s launch a number of meteors or something
1017s nice debug texture data in this build
1021s that ultimate isn't finished in a later
1023s build it is where do you see the
1027s Valkyrie I've lost sight he went around
1029s the oh he's out here around kind of a
1033s little Church area
1035s and I see okay I'm gonna try to blink in
1037s and break the shield and then let's
1038s let's take the back rear down first okay
1040s I'm gonna go grab one more of these
1043s okay wisps I got a person that goes
1046s rather that's fine okay his shields
1052s amiss down busy but knock around the sky
1054s we can at least get a little reprieve
1056s from the frost attacks yeah and I'll
1059s just retreat a little bit
1061s don't let me know when you come back
1063s yeah I'm back I'm back but I'm I'm
1065s getting shot at storm just not supposed
1067s to live on the ground so we can just
1072s clear a path toward you yeah let's just
1074s clear up often okay
1075s oh my shields are down
1081s I think we're gonna have to just go
1084s nuclear belfry first now yeah okay let's
1086s do it I will follow my shields and pack
1089s up so not mine let me just get back Maya
1093s so I can't fly yeah but I see yeah you
1096s see here right yeah I have to run away
1098s just very briefly okay oh all right
1104s hi everyone look at the world almost
1108s dead there we go okay how you doing back
1110s there Ben you okay
1111s living the dream uh negative all right
1113s I'll come back but let's let's get in
1116s I'm actually good down good now I'm just
1120s gonna knock her out of the sky that's
1121s Priority One
1121s yeah what's actually hurting me is the
1123s shape a relic that continues to go
1124s terminal and then of course there's a
1127s brute on the horizon I'm just going in
1131s now for the hey she retreated all the
1138s way back here yeah and now the brutes
1140s are in gee golly I wish I sure had two
1143s more friends if you can keep them busy
1151s I'm gonna try and take a run at the
1152s echoes yep okay that's fine
1156s but I might go down roots are relentless
1158s yeah the boots are freezing me today
1161s about ice attacked and if you don't
1163s dodge it at the right time you'll get
1164s frozen yeah but you can break out of
1166s being frozen by pushing a all the people
1170s on Twitter probably like the developers
1174s suck man we are doing great yeah we're
1177s doing great
1179s Alfre down now I'm gonna come back and
1182s help you alright
1186s this is one echo yeah I got one again
1189s I'll get the birds here
1191s okay closing soon I'm just using my
1192s ultimate here and just shut this out
1198s okay I'll help you out with them no no I
1200s won't point down at least do it a
1202s classic camera pan so everyone can see
1204s my awesomeness right now oh yeah I'm
1206s totally that's totally my number one
1208s thing oh all right
1212s I'm terminal I'm down there's a brute
1215s right in front of me but I did I did
1216s deliver one more echo so what does it
1223s right there dude yeah but we'll see one
1226s Olfa one-on-one for Oh No
1229s if we party wipe I hit a super-fun bug
1234s but because no one can see it I'm not
1236s gonna even say what's happening to me
1237s right now
1238s but I will be right back all right so I
1241s respond yeah my respawn I actually found
1244s a cool bug where I fell through the
1245s world whose replies oh that doesn't
1250s happen that's why you failed that's why
1252s you failed me out I'm taking the little
1253s time out here and I will be right back
1256s so in the meantime I'm gonna take on the
1261s forces of the Dominion by myself
1262s oh oh I just got knocked out of the sky
1267s big time so one of the things with the
1268s storm when you're hovering and if your
1271s shield goes down in a way that that you
1273s guys just saw I will crater the part of
1278s my strength is to make sure that I'm
1279s maximizing and keeping my shields alive
1283s because that's the key to me winning
1290s there's another brood up here I think we
1292s could give me Cletus stay away we should
1293s be pretty good well there's a lot of
1295s frost towns there too though yeah it's
1298s fine do you want me to pop my oats
1300s yes please on the stairs yeah I would I
1304s work at because I can combo all right oh
1307s yeah they're all there yeah you good I
1311s should better get over here
1313s oh nice nice yeah so the int the
1317s Interceptor has a special ability where
1318s give you combo with your melee attacks
1321s and and kill the enemy you get an aura
1323s that inherits the status effects so like
1325s a fire or or a frost or so I can run
1328s around and apply that aura to all the
1329s people around it so it really
1331s incentivizes that high mobility hey I'm
1333s gonna go search for a couple more wisps
1335s while you uh yeah I found something like
1339s that we like identified our roles is I
1342s like to kill all the things and you like
1344s to be smart and play objectives but but
1346s then at the same time who's the one
1348s who's died already it's me so maybe
1351s maybe the smart play isn't the best all
1355s right one more one more whiz you gotta
1358s pick me up there oh I'm gonna risk
1359s everything all right see if you can put
1361s a win wall at my body and then get me
1363s out all right should be able to okay
1366s unless you fly off the world and no no
1369s I'm just picking though you're flanking
1371s I see it can the easy way
1372s I just let my button my shield thing to
1381s run out of time
1382s oh well comment comment leave no dragon
1386s behind
1387s all right wing wall Bobby perfect
1389s perfect perfect it's really good
1394s all right you're up thank you thank you
1397s hey I'm gonna go get one more echo and
1399s let's finish this damn thing yep I
1402s actually have my old up again so I'm
1404s just gonna use that and take out this
1405s brute
1407s oh it's fine nice done one of the things
1414s I kept on screwing up is every single
1416s time I would go to an echo you fuck I I
1419s would I would run right into the into
1424s the exploding relic and we take me out
1428s so there's still two birds here yeah I'm
1430s down again oh I didn't see that the
1431s other guy was behind the wall oh he
1433s jumped up might be able to get you yeah
1435s you'll get me then I'll go straight into
1437s my alt hopefully yeah okay Ultimates up
1445s nice throw thanks oh and they're out of
1448s here though oh it is our shared cypher
1450s people don't know we both have own as a
1452s cypher yep he's a really nice guy yeah
1456s he's generally a nice guy yes
1458s estimation you know it's funny there are
1460s all these explosive barrels that we
1462s didn't take advantage of fortunate all
1468s right all right so man that was really
1470s fun yeah but is there anything we didn't
1473s talk about we were just kind of chatting
1475s I don't nobody miss anything
1477s so we talked about the storm ultimate we
1479s talked about your interceptor ultimate a
1481s little bit about customization you my
1484s cool deckle on it what else well we
1488s talked about world events a little bit
1489s there were questions about the melee
1491s build just to clarify what that means
1494s like I have to get pieces equipped that
1497s I can use in close range that use like
1500s my fists and legs and I combined that
1503s with my melee attack and things like a
1505s shotgun to build like a really close
1507s range build so I can dash in and then do
1510s some cool stuff yeah I think I said
1512s parts of that but we got destructed um
1514s let's let's fly around just a little bit
1516s more and take some questions as we kind
1519s of go so I don't know if we actually
1519s answered it properly light is used for
1523s traversal but it's also used for
1524s gathering different vantage points hover
1526s is a major amazingly important thing for
1529s many of the of the javelin classes norm
1531s hovers critical and of course it's great
1534s built into the design of the javelin
1536s where you can hover for longer
1538s yep and then even the other suits it's
1540s really great because you can just get
1542s better positioning you can observe the
1544s battlefield you can use your gear from
1546s hover as well so what's the tactical
1549s advantages but eventually you do
1550s overheat and then you create or like I'm
1552s doing right now yeah you have to be
1554s careful but I think that's the risk
1555s reward system to it which is great
1557s there's a lot of different things to pay
1558s attention to so I think for new players
1561s it's really easy to pick up and have fun
1562s but then also for advanced players
1564s you've got a lot of things to learn and
1566s master yeah and in terms of my ultimate
1569s the storms ultimate rather we have like
1572s we talked about I'll just show it right
1574s here for everyone so it gives me the
1576s opportunity to play some speed that
1577s bread smears and then once those have
1580s been placed and primed I basically hit
1582s right trigger to activate it and finish
1584s it off it brings down the meteors or
1585s something and the IP version of me do
1589s yeah exactly
1592s and of course there's crafting material
1594s throughout the world and there are
1595s wildlife to hunt and and then of course
1601s underwater caves or in different yeah so
1604s I'm sure we probably have tons of
1606s questions as well from the stream do we
1608s have any that we could read out hey hey
1610s guys this is AJ I'm gonna read out some
1612s questions that we pulled from the chat
1614s and Twitter today um this one front
1619s comes from lion Chris on twitch he asks
1623s is the game okay to play on the
1626s controller I assume he means a console
1629s controller and as you can see right
1630s there my Campbell is playing on a
1632s controller but it will have keyboard and
1634s mouse support as well then you guys have
1638s done a lot of students all that on I
1640s mean we spend a lot of time on controls
1642s I think one of the really interesting
1643s parts of the game is we have more
1646s buttons and many games if you think
1648s about it we have GPS one two and three
1651s we have flight we have halva we have
1653s sprint we have - all the - equivalent
1656s for each suit jump double jump melee
1660s reload swap weapon emotes aim-down-sight
1665s Oh tie name rather and fire shoot so
1670s between all of that it's been really
1672s challenging to come up with a really
1673s great control scheme that allows for all
1675s of those combinations to work in a way
1678s that is really fun to play you know
1681s we've been doing a bunch of feedback
1683s testing and one of the universal things
1685s that comes back is that the controls now
1686s feel really good they certainly didn't
1688s you know nine months ago but now we're
1691s at a point where I think it feels really
1692s great on a controller
1693s I think PC players are used to having
1696s more preferences and so one of the
1698s things we've made sure to add is the
1699s ability to remap key bindings so for PC
1702s players you can basically set up
1704s whichever kind of where you want we've
1706s set a default layout that we think will
1708s be a good way to pick the game up so I
1711s think yet for both controller and PC
1712s controls we feel really happy with it
1714s now I think until you play it it's hard
1716s like people say stuff like why don't you
1718s so melee and reload or whatever and I
1721s think it's really hard to talk about it
1723s and you forget to play it and so once
1725s people do that they seem to give really
1727s positive feedback but it's also stuff we
1730s can iterate over time if we need to make
1731s more changes so overall pretty good okay
1734s this one comes from tokyo adam night on
1736s twitch he asks what kind of aerial
1740s trickery and you perform for air
1743s superiority purpose dip well there's
1746s those the good ol reliable dodge so
1751s everyone has a slightly different dodge
1753s I'm showing you the storms right here
1755s storms all about blink and teleport so
1757s that allows you to kind of dodge
1759s incoming fire you also have the ability
1763s to do a striking air melee so as you're
1766s kind of flowing in
1767s you have the ability any given point
1769s time to pack the ground that number of
1774s other ones and of course every every
1775s javelin has quite different versions of
1778s that o we finished a world of anthem how
1780s we did that
1782s anything else I had they're effective
1784s yeah effective at World of em yeah and
1788s of course the combination of flight
1790s versus hover versus melee versus dodge
1793s really adds dynamism into that so there
1798s you go to show that then you aren't able
1801s to see my screen but I just did a
1804s combination I imagine you're doing
1806s amazing wicked flying and then into
1809s hover dropping down for a lower vantage
1812s point hovering again flying so you have
1815s a lot of a lot of usage of these schools
1817s and bringing them together pretty badass
1820s okay one of my favorites is the I'm in
1823s trouble I do a spiral flight up into the
1825s sky and then drop a melee a melee down
1828s is a cool thing to do yeah this next
1831s question comes from deck 196 on Twitch
1834s how many actual gear slots will will
1836s there be yeah I can feel that one so
1840s each suit has three specific gear slots
1843s so on a xbox controller just to make it
1847s easier for myself to explain you have
1849s left bumper right bumper and then left
1853s and right together so typically the way
1857s it works for each suit is you'll have
1860s about at launch five on left bumper five
1863s on right bumper so if I have different
1864s gameplay choices and then two on the
1868s left and right bumper so left and right
1870s are typically like offensive abilities
1873s for the most part it's not always true
1874s sometimes it's crowd control and then
1877s the left and right bumper together kind
1879s of things for utility or support so you
1881s heard might call out a bunch about using
1883s win wall which was a wind wall that
1885s would block projectiles so it was like a
1887s barrier we could take cover behind it's
1889s right here have my one is that I have
1892s equip right now is a debuff so on large
1894s targets I can make them take an extra
1896s 25% damage so again it doesn't have to
1899s be defensive utility mine's offensive
1902s utility and Mike's got defensive utility
1904s so that's gear specifically and then
1907s there are two weapon slots that you can
1909s equip there's a couple of small
1911s restrictions for for a couple of suits
1914s but
1914s you can put whatever weapon in whatever
1916s slot and then you have your melee
1920s ability which isn't a thing you can
1922s change and you have your ultimate
1924s ability which also is nothing you can
1925s change so that's kind of all the things
1928s you have in your tool kit as well as
1930s stuff like jump double jump dash Double
1933s Dash depending on the class you have the
1936s jab when you have one thing I forgot to
1938s mention
1939s that'd be your beginning so on my screen
1941s seeing a little red red squares that's
1945s actually an bogging issue those icons to
1948s start showing up again work in progress
1950s code those normally would have an icon
1953s and I continue to show this but it
1955s didn't really show up well in combat
1956s because there's a lot going on this
1958s lightning ball that I have here actually
1961s bounces and if you're super good you can
1964s make it hit multiple enemies in one shot
1967s and look awesome unlike what I just what
1974s else we got AJ yes sir so this one comes
1977s from a very cool username Zedekiah the
1980s meta sage on Twitch and they say wait so
1984s you can customize your javelins look
1987s notice we've got some new locusts on
1989s these javelins today you guys want to go
1991s into some detail on some of that stuff
1993s yeah so so guys send me out land so I
1996s can stand next to you so we can see both
1998s but the storm does not land storm
2000s huggers alright final I'll stalk
2001s rational land storm Lansford man didn't
2004s cut you can customize a number different
2006s areas first of all I want to point out
2007s my extremely tacky cave that aj from the
2012s community team gave me what's not tacky
2014s it's just a matter of taste not
2015s something that I would wear normally in
2017s the street well it's flowing yes them
2020s flowing glorious oh is it flowing ever
2022s that's a little Paris games week humor
2025s for y'all you don't know we're talking
2027s about you can basic ustym eyes with
2029s decals and do you want to walk through
2032s the things that I'm I'm showing you in
2034s front of you on on me and where those
2035s things are yes so what we'll probably do
2039s is we'll host the stream to go into all
2041s the details of how this works but just
2044s at a super high level the idea is that
2047s power and vanity are separate things so
2050s power is all about the gear and weapons
2052s I talked about a couple minutes ago and
2053s in the vanity of a customization or
2056s personalization stuff is about how you
2057s look so you can see here some of the
2060s choices mike has first of all as effects
2062s the silhouette so the helmet the
2065s shoulders the chest that kind of stuff
2066s and how does that look
2067s weight on top of that he's got a vinyl
2070s which is a way to have a pattern that
2073s that covers the suit and then beyond
2076s that you can pick specific colors and
2078s material types to to customize a javelin
2082s further so there's really a lot of cool
2084s choices to pick from and like I said I
2086s think we have to work out when but but
2088s you know over the next little period of
2090s time we'll do a stream that kind of
2092s walks through that so we can explain it
2094s in a bit more detail did I miss anything
2097s Mike was out apparently they just told
2100s me that that mines supposed to look like
2101s a p-51 Mustang so okay alright I'll take
2105s that for the six people who really care
2107s I love one Mustangs just my personal
2110s choice all right yes right right or
2115s wrong answer so this one comes from
2117s Khaled Annan on Twitch and they want to
2120s know how you heal they may not have been
2122s tracking how you guys were doing that
2123s during the stream okay so when any when
2128s any XO or devlin takes enough damage
2130s they'll go down into a Down stage when
2131s you're in a Down State there's obviously
2133s a timer and any of your friends javelins
2137s can come in and can prepare you
2138s basically and that that you have to hold
2140s the button in order to do so and after a
2143s certain amount of time you can choose to
2145s respawn outside of a combat area
2147s obviously you're not helping your
2148s friends as much but there's benefits to
2151s coming in and repairing there's benefits
2153s to gameplay that are granted when you
2157s come in and repair I don't know if we're
2158s ready to talk about that stuff yet but
2160s yeah that's generally the way the
2162s mechanic works yeah and then kind of on
2165s top of that because that was a great
2166s answer is there's also ways to replenish
2169s health as you fight so creatures will
2172s drop red health goblets in the world
2176s that you can pick up and so javelins
2177s have boats
2178s and health so shield will replenish
2182s overtime or by doing specific things
2184s specific to the javelin but your health
2187s you have to pick up their health Globes
2188s by killing creatures so it kind of
2190s encourages you to to keep pushing
2191s forward in the combat to be super heroic
2194s in nature and that's how that works to
2198s kind of clear a few things up like there
2199s aren't specific gear pieces that do
2202s healing that's not a thing we have in
2204s the game the idea is that like right
2206s here we killed something is it on I was
2209s smart I was slowly slowly killing him
2211s but then you came in okay so I think so
2215s I got a health code but you didn't but
2218s basically that's how you can replenish
2220s health as you play the game looking
2222s addition to reviving people this one
2225s comes from White Fang three one five
2228s will there be loadouts you can build for
2231s each javelin that will make them either
2232s more offensive defensive to kind of fill
2235s a gap you don't have a certain chaplain
2238s or fill a gap for a certain javelin in
2241s your group yeah the idea of the game is
2250s that you can you pick like a play style
2252s you like with the javelin but then
2254s within that you can pick a lot of
2256s different options so again like I went
2257s for a melee interceptor build which was
2260s really all about close quarter combat I
2262s have to move in fast take out targets
2264s move back fast but I could play a
2269s long-range interceptor so I could take
2271s different gear pieces so all of mine
2273s right now really Center on getting in
2275s close but I have other things like an
2278s ability which I can paint a couple of
2280s targets and stun them or freeze them
2282s from range so that's a bit more support
2285s because I can do some control and sit
2288s back with a with a rifle and shoot from
2291s range and kind of control the the play
2294s field so my friends can can do damage
2296s same deal like with the Colossus you
2299s know you can play up close and personal
2301s with a shield and a flame foot thrower
2303s and you're trying to kind of get in
2305s between your friends
2307s range with the mortar
2310s range with a mortar
2313s definitely lots of flexibility there
2315s same with the support choices you know I
2318s picked the damage but the support choice
2320s for my third year slot but I could have
2321s picked a different one which would
2324s remove status effects from my friends so
2326s if someone got frozen I could push it
2328s and it would clear that that free status
2330s effect and that's more of us
2333s 12
2336s 12
2338s together is kind of up to you I found a
2341s chest been
2342s I found a chest been
2346s let's take two more questions
2348s let's take two more questions
2351s ugh demon on Twitch and they say the
2356s game looks tough without four players do
2358s you guys want to talk about how that
2360s works yeah so so we are on a difficulty
2363s that is not easy this is a pretty
2367s challenging difficulty a couple things
2369s to be aware of I don't actually know if
2371s our javelins are appropriately leveled
2373s to the type of world events that we're
2376s heading and also of course our gear and
2380s weapon selections are not necessarily
2382s personalized to our own play styles so
2384s it looks challenging we're not
2386s challenging than it is that said we do
2389s have difficulty scaling based on number
2391s of players so four players three players
2394s two players and one player will have
2396s different gameplay experiences and of
2398s course as a solo player you have the
2402s ability play the game hey it's still
2405s gonna be challenging and there's no
2406s doubt about it just like it is for us
2407s now but it is still doable anything your
2411s side vent at no that's great anything I
2414s would say is that we want to encourage
2415s larger group numbers like you know you
2419s inherently get benefits through the
2421s utility that the different options the
2423s status affects each extra team member
2426s can make so it is gonna be a a I think a
2429s more fun play experience to play with
2431s full players and that's what we want the
2432s game to be about but we are doing all
2434s the things Mike said so that if you
2436s really don't want to play with the four
2437s players you can still play the game and
2439s have a lot of fun yep one more question
2443s all right it's tough to pick a last one
2445s but we'll go alright it's tough to pick
2447s a last one but we'll go with one more
2450s and then maybe you guys can answer
2452s someone Twitter as well later today but
2454s this is from Tarkus on Twitch they asked
2457s what loot is there other than weapons
2460s is there any armor cosmetics trinkets
2463s yes so there is all the loot I think
2467s it's really hard to explain it without
2469s doing the stream where we talk about all
2472s the personalization options because a
2473s lot of the things I'll say they wouldn't
2475s make sense so I think that's a great
2477s question for us to answer in detail
2478s later the short answer is yes as a bunch
2482s of power things that you can unlock in
2484s the game or
2485s through Luth like all the gearing
2487s weapons we've been talking about in
2489s addition there are other ways to earn
2491s rewards that affect your appearance
2494s which you can get both through playing
2497s the game through monetization options
2500s through unlocking difficult challenges
2503s so I think we can cover that in more
2505s detail later but the short answer is yes
2507s and those are the ways to do it yeah so
2509s as I kind of kind of wrap us up
2511s obviously been alluded to this there's
2513s gonna be more streams to cover more and
2515s def things we just barely scrape scrape
2518s the surface here with a little bit of
2519s free plate and a little bit of a map
2520s we've got tons of missions a full story
2524s campaign tons of side missions port
2526s Tarsus game is pretty massive so we'll
2529s have a lot of content to cover between
2531s now and chip and of course we wanted to
2534s thank you for tuning in and being
2537s awesome fans in wanting to moth game
2539s follow at Anthem game on Twitter follow
2542s at Ben Evo on Twitter for been and
2545s follow at gamble Mike on Twitter for
2547s myself and we constantly answer
2549s questions and now that we did this we'll
2550s be able to answer a little bit more and
2552s that we look forward to just hanging out
2554s with you guys and talking on a fairly
2556s normal cage note we are so excited to
2558s share more information we know you all
2560s have been desperate to hear more and now
2562s is the time for it also thought coming
2564s out so we're really excited and thank
2566s you like Mike said for being such a
2568s great community it's really fun to
2569s interact with this community so we're
2571s all really excited to be out of share
2572s what's going on and then we'll come on
2573s whenever we do next which will probably
2575s really soon and then we'll animal smile
2577s more and we'll play more and everyone
2579s Bowl that stream was full of smile I
2581s know and it was fun thanks Ben you're
2583s awesome
2583s yeah thanks Mike it's good to the hang
2585s out and play with you today man all
2586s right later everyone all right bye
2589s everyone
2589s take care
2590s [Music]
2608s [Music]