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Title said, I want to give you guys the benefit of the doubt as the MW Universal Components and MW Support items were added in this patch without notes so maybe some other updates were accidentally rolled forward into this patch?

That being said, if that's not the case, that's really not cool. Honestly, besides the Harvest nerf, they're not even really that bad with some probably being deserved. Sometimes you have to nerf stuff and people can usually accept that if you just add an explanation with it.

Here are all the known unlisted changes so far (may be some inaccuracy as this is a community compiled list):

  • MW Universal Components & MW Support abilities added (I haven't seen the Support abilities myself but saw a few comments here and there from people mentioning they've got some)
  • Winter's Wrath (Ice Storm) nerfed from 1940 damage to 746. (possibly worked like this before, just a correction to tooltip)
  • Chaotic Rime (Ice Shards) nerfed to 74 damage per hit (from 223) (possibly worked like this before, just a correction to tooltip)
  • Amulet of Winter nerfed from 40% gun damage to 20% (on proc). (possibly worked like this before, just a correction to tooltip)
  • Masterwork ember droprate seems to have been severly nerfed (from plants/mining nodes). [Harvesting/Crafting nerf]
  • Epic Special Arms Ammo universal component nerfed to 15% (from 30%)
  • Other epic universal components buffed to 15% (from 5%)
  • Paint colours now apply to MW launchers.
  • Amulet of Winter has been bugged/turned into Mark of Ruin and vice versa (neither of them display elemental damage % values).
  • Increased the amount of Dailies and Weeklies needed for the Monthly without increasing Monthly Reward
  • Increasing the amount of objectives in the dailies (6 World events instead of 3, more coin, but twice as long) - may not be new, just a less common daily
  • Enemy Damage Output Increased with Scaling
  • Winter's Wrath recharge was also increased to 5 from 4
  • Soothing Touch(MW Anvil: Recoil reduction per shot went from 50% to 30%)
  • Truth of Tarsis has a wonky damage change. Some are reporting increased damage, some decreased. Possibly because base damage increased and crit multiplier reduced. Regardless, the way it calculates output damage has changed.
  • Ten Thousand Suns can’t be spammed back to back as quickly anymore
  • Colossus Best Defense cooldown increased

Credit to /u/Kaiarra on the main thread who I saw listed most of these changes on the patch thread /u/Neknoh whose thread I saw mention the changes to dailies/weeklies.

P.S. The harvest nerf though is really not very cool. I get that it is not a fun core gameplay experience and you'd rather have people playing the game for loot, but you can't just nerf crafting without also increasing drop rates. Nobody wants to go around smashing piles of rocks for hours, they would all rather play the game. The only reason people are doing that is because drop rates are so brutal. Most people expected harvesting to get nerfed eventually but not pairing that nerf with any increase to drop rates is brutal.

EDIT:A thread that has kinda started to compile MW Universal Components

EDIT 2: If anybody has found any other unlisted changes, list them below and I can add them to the list. Would be nice to be able to compile all the unlisted changes somewhere. It's hard to find individual threads about these through all the loot threads.

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about 6 years ago - /u/Darokaz - Direct link

Thanks for putting this list together, I've shared it with the team will update the patch notes once I hear back.

And I've said this in a few spots, but the Masterwork embers drop rates were a bug, we're currently working on fixing that.