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about 6 years ago - /u/BioAdmiralX - Direct link

Thanks for the kudos :D

about 6 years ago - /u/BioAdmiralX - Direct link

Originally posted by StaticDrift

Are you going to continue this communication and community support when the full game launches?

Personally, I am going to continue as long as I have something to say. My general pattern is when I am on a project I will go dark for a few years because nothing is really publicly available so there isnt much for me to talk about. Then as we get closer to launch and senior staff start talking about things I start engaging. Then I will continue talking to people for some time post launch.

I am mainly known for spending my time in the ME3MP community.

so tl;dr: ill be here as long as I feel I have something to contribute, and I am not super busy :)