over 6 years ago - /u/BenIrvo - Direct link

Originally posted by Arkavien

I’m very excited for Anthem, everything about it from the traversal to the environment and story look amazing. But the combat just feels...meh.

I watched a developer gameplay video of the Storm and Interceptor and the flying and environments constantly wowed me, then they get into a fight and it is so standard. It’s hard to even put into words or specifically what doesn’t feel right.

I understand what you are saying but I’ve watched it a lot and it’s just something I’ve never been able to articulate well.

EDIT TO TRY AND EXPLAIN BETTER: My best example is Wildstar. I was beyond excited for that game, learned every ability for every class before it came out, planned builds on fansites, I loved the art style, the humor, the world they were building...everything...except when I watched gameplay something felt off. Then when I played the beta the same feeling was there.

When I play World of Warcraft I feel like I am a shaman throwing lightning at enemies, when I play Destiny I feel like a Titan slamming into aliens with a void shield. But when I played Wildstar I felt like a dude at a computer inputting commands to make a character on the screen do stuff. There was a disconnected feeling that never went away. And I get that same feeling watching gameplay streams of Anthem.

Am I overreacting? Is it just because it’s alpha and there are things coming? Am I just wrong and it’s actually amazing and I’m stupid?

The hard thing is all your examples are of games you have played and you express how it felt to play them. It may just be that you need to play Anthem to decide. It’s really hard to get a sense of a game by watching it. It’s honestly one of the things we struggle with and it’s why we have done a bunch of hands on stuff with press - so they can try to share their feelings with all of you.

I think combat feels great. I am also biased.

over 6 years ago - /u/BenIrvo - Direct link

Originally posted by SirWilliamB

Noticed this too!!! Perhaps it could have been a bug. Maybe u/benirvo can provide some feedback here??

If that’s true then it’s probably a bug

over 6 years ago - /u/BenIrvo - Direct link

Originally posted by Strayed54321

Another thing I've noticed is, depending on the skill level of who is playing, a game can look amazing or terrible. Often times we watch someone play a game and are upset with what we see not because the gameplay is bad but because it's not how we would do it. I was not super impressed with the Storm and Interceptor video for this very reason. The video from E3 this year, on the other, was fantastic because of this reason.

Yes. It’s a very hard thing.

over 6 years ago - /u/BenIrvo - Direct link

Originally posted by Strayed54321

Obligatory, I apologize if I upset you, I meant no insult to you or anyone working on Anthem. I am super excited about the game and cant wait to get my hands on it. You guys rock!

You didn’t at all. We just want to be very candid and engaged people :)