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There are multiple use cases that are causing progression issues with this - but I wanted to share a fix that worked for a couple folks in case it can help you.

If you crashed out/disconnected during the mission 'Finding Old Friends' it can cause your plot data to be incorrect. This can result in you not having access to the Challenges.

To fix, try joining a Quickplay instance of the 'Finding Old Friends' mission and re-complete it.

This will likely NOT fix the issue where your challenges are marked as complete and you still can't access the tombs (no interact point).

If you got the tombs quest properly, but your journal is saying you have the challenges completed - but the Door says you are still unworthy - make sure you check the challenges in the challenges tab. There’s a chance you still haven’t completed them, and that there is a bug in the journal.

We are still actively reviewing people's server data to troubleshoot why this is happening.

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about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by legion_shaka

I can't finish the Tomb Challenge because all my tomb feat progress keeps getting erased after leaving Freeplay or stronghold. Even when I finished all the feats the tombs still didn't work. Will there be a patch for this sometime soon?

This issue is fixed in the day 1 patch - it likely won't back fix specific users, which is what we are looking at now. Can you send me pics of your challenges/journal and Origin ID?

Also file the issue here: https://answers.ea.com/t5/Answer-HQ-English/ct-p/AHQ-English

That will maximize coverage.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by TheLoliTamer

So I think I'm unfortunately part of those with a bug in their journal. I got the quest properly and everything, but I cannot access the tombs or progress at all. Why? Because I cannot see ANY challenges whatsoever. Though it has marked two of the tombs challenges as complete. As in no challenges show at all. The challenges tab is empty beyond the "Tracked Challenges" category, which has no challenges in it.

The really weird thing is that I followed a "fix" in the forums and tried using a VPN which worked. Challenges show ONLY if I'm using a VPN, which really, really blows.

We have 8 designers working on 3 fixes RIGHT NOW. I expect to be able to communicate an update very soon :)

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by isaeus-

/u/BioWareJer I fixed the progression bug on my end where all the challenge items are completed, but you can’t interact with the tomb. I visited another tomb and went back to the bugged Tomb of Yvenia. I was able to pick up the quest item and complete the Tomb quest.

Nice, thanks for sharing!

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Ok - this is the latest from our design team. These steps are not fully confirmed to fix the issue yet - they are working on that and coordinating with https://answers.ea.com/t5/Anthem/ct-p/anthem-en and will update everything once it's confirmed.

Thanks to your feedback. We have identified several issues causing problems for players in the Finding Old Friends and Tombs of the Legionnaires missions. Fixes are currently in progress but there are workarounds for each issue.

If you have encountered an issue after Finding Old Friends where the Challenges required to complete the mission are not unlocked, a server side fix should unlock them for you shortly. Thank you for your patience.

If you gained access to one of the Legionnaires Tombs but there is no interaction on the Tomb, please restart Freeplay and make your way back to the Tomb.

If your journal is telling you that the challenges are complete but the Tomb door doesn't open as it should, please go to the Challenges section of your journal and check that the challenge criteria is completed. In some cases we have seen the journal display misleading information at this step. Completing the challenges as they appear in the challenge section should allow access to the Tombs.

So hopefully that helps some peeps. Let us know!

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by amieshahmi

the tomb quest still bug out for me

Have you tried all the steps to fix? If so and it's still not working can you send me your Origin ID? I will have someone take a look at your account!

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by Scruffybaby

I can't seem to see the challenges even thou i have founds the tombs? What to do?

Have you tried all the steps outlined in this thread? If so and it's still not working please send me your Origin ID and I will forward it on to people who can have a look!

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by amieshahmi

i have try for the 3rd time, and it ok now


about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by Geilokowski

So, what if i did 3 of the 4 tombs but can't activate the last one? I am standing close to the tomb but there is no Pop-UP telling me to press a specific button. Nothing happens. I cant do anything without opening the tomb so this is kinda gamebreaking for me... I can go inside Yvenias tomb but i am unable to activate the tomb and complete the quest I tried restarting the game and all that stuff. Nothing helps.

They are tracking instances of this per user on the help site - please go file it.


It's actively being worked on!

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by Geilokowski

Okay, thanks. I appreciate all the hard work you guys put into the game. I was able to fix it by simply going into another tomb and was then able to completle the tomb of Yevenia there. This fixed it for me but i think it's not intended to be that way so you might want to still look into it :)

Glad to hear you solved this, and yeah it's being looked at!