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about 6 years ago - /u/FrancisLacuna - Direct link

Originally posted by SwirishNinja

This is interesting because they said in the personalization stream that your gear would inherit your javelin color.

This is a bug. There was a time when all masterworks were supposed to be unique but we decided to make everything inherit. Unfortunately, something happened to the data along the way and the masterwork changes did not get into the final build, which we noticed too late. During early access we talked about it and agreed to leave it as is until we can get a toggle-able option for the player to choose themselves. We are looking into this.

about 6 years ago - /u/FrancisLacuna - Direct link

Originally posted by SuperSpikySplank

This is huge for me and a lot of other people I'm sure. You grind for hours for these masterwork gear drops and then when you put them on they look bolted on. Part of the allure of growing stronger is looking badass and as it stands masterwork gear does not make us look badass. You guys shouldn't leave it as is, you should fix it to inherit and then eventually introduce a toggle.

I will see what we can do.