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Just had to bail on the stronghold because another player picked up an echo and then went afk, or was purposely trolling and refused to turn it in. Either way this feels like a big oversight that needs to be addressed.

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about 6 years ago - /u/BenIrvo - Direct link

Originally posted by Sun-Taken-By-Trees

Just had to bail on the stronghold because another player picked up an echo and then went afk, or was purposely trolling and refused to turn it in. Either way this feels like a big oversight that needs to be addressed.

We are looking into solutions for this

about 6 years ago - /u/BiowareBen - Direct link

Originally posted by Zach182

Question, when you say Launch do you mean the 15th for early access or the 22nd for Official release. It would be incredibly annoying for those on Xbox who have ea access to deal with not being able to complete anything for the 10 hours they have to play. my friends were having this issue in missions as well and they had to do one of them 4 times before it finally didn’t crash. Essentially making the time and money wasted for your customers.

Some of the fixes will be patched on the 15th and some sadly had to slip to the 22nd. I don't know which patch this fix is in. We've made every effort to get as many fixes into the early access patch as possible.