over 6 years ago - /u/UNTDrew - Direct link

Originally posted by ezioaudi420

UPDATE: they came, they heard, they listened. A FREE DEMO WILL BE OUT FEB 1ST. WOOHOO!!!! https://twitter.com/GambleMike/status/1070882031888809984

  1. PEOPLE ARE CHEAP AND UNWILLING TO LET EA TAKE THEIR MONEY AGAIN. Pre-ordering cost $5, EA Access is $4.99/month, and Origin Access is 14.99/month. What do they all have in common? You need to pay one of these prices to play a demo of a game THAT YOU MIGHT NOT EVEN BUY. Now if you didn't like EA (as many of us do) you are already hesitant of anything having to do with them. So EA adding a pay wall for a DEMO reinforces all of the negative stereotypes you have of their games. The point of a demo is for players to try out a small slice of a game to see if they want to make a full purchase. But if you're forcing me to pay for a TRIAL when I already don't trust your company's money grabbing ways in the first place.. then I'm probably not gonna go for it. Now if it was free, that would be a whole different story.
  2. PEOPLE DON'T UNDERSTAND ANTHEM UNTIL THEY HAVE PLAYED IT. Please go ahead and search 'anthem hands-on" on youtube and you'll see what I mean. This is the type of game that you have to play to fully understand what its trying to accomplish. And it seems that once people pick up the controls the flying, hovering, swimming, and shooting all feel great and fulfill that Iron Man feeling we all crave from Anthem. Here's one video to show you: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AaKb5OeQj70
  3. THERES SO MUCH POTENTIAL. Seriously, the customization is INSANE, the combat is SPECTACULAR, the graphics look DOPE, the story is intriguing for what little we know about it. And we don't have to focus on one class if we don't have to. Personally, I don't even know what I want to main. Right now its a three way tie between the ranger, storm, and interceptor. But i got love for the ThiccBois out there too.

At the end of the day, whether EA decides to release a free demo pre-launch, post-launch, or at all. It would be best to release it eventually, because potential customers (especially more casual gamers) need that free demo to have a chance to play Anthem with no prior investment.

EDIT : "GameStop will refund your $5. So put down the $5 to try it. Ask for a refund. It's rocket science, and it works out to be free." - smita16

EDIT: "most companies that do preorders allow you to cancel. plenty of people just walk into gamestop/amazon/bestbuy, hit the preorder, get the code, then just cancel right away. congrats, you just got a demo code for free and still have your money." - Gerolux

Thanks for the feedback, as always! We might not always have an answer for you but just wanted you to know we’re always reading. :)