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I was in-game when the weekly contributor bonus finally ticked over. I didn't get any notifications, so I checked the status thing in the Freelancer Enclave:


Not only did we not receive any coin, but there's a new bug that has removed all my friends from the page.

This is kinda the last straw for me with Anthem. I'm only doing my daily/weekly stuff now anyway, but this kind of insane bug just demonstrates that the game wasn't ready for release.

I think I'm going to retire to Antium. I'll come back to Fort Tarsis if this game ever gets working content.

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about 6 years ago - /u/Darokaz - Direct link

When Alliance points reset today you’ll notice you didn’t receive any Coin, but worry not, you haven’t lost anything. The dev team has everything recorded and will be granting all of the Coin you earned the previous week by 12pm CT on Feb. 26th.

This was done to prevent some strains on the system. This will also be fixed tomorrow so that this doesn’t happen in the future.