about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by vhqr

I don't know if this is already sorted out on the main build. The game had many flaws, but what unsettled the most was the audio. I'm not even a guy who understands anything about audio design or sound in general. I just thought it felt wrong several times when I was playing. I don't mean to bash, just provide my honest feedback. Here some points I had experienced.

  • Music didn't play at times, leaving an awkward silence.

  • Other times, the music playing didn't match what was happening on screen. Specially in Fort Tarsis.

  • Picking up a codex sounds like throwing a hard cover book on the wall.

  • Audio in the menus felt off and contributed to make the UI feel unresponsive. The volume of beeps and boops didn't always match the action, if you can tell what I mean.

  • I once got a bug where the game went completely silent and I had to restart. Never seen a bug like this in 20+ of gaming.

  • Interceptor melee sometimes go total quiet. You're shredding something to pieces and you don't hear the satisfaction sounds.

  • The worst is the reward screen post mission. When you see those numbers XP going up, medals earned etc. And you don't listen to anything which is happening.

TL;DR: the game sounds bad even for a guy who doesn't usually pay attention to this. Sorry por poor english.

We are aware of all of these issues and have made a lot of progress over the past couple months. The release build should address most of this feedback - but we will continue to improve over the course of live service, so keep telling us what you think!

A lot of us have been around since mass effect 1, so understand that we take a great audio experience seriously, and are committed to delivering one for you :)

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by Tom_Neverwinter

I just hope the "market" has more than one track. that tune was so repetitive and boring.

It does! I think the randomization was busted in the demo. Sorry!

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by vhqr

A lot of us have been around since mass effect 1, so understand that we take a great audio experience seriously

Thanks for taking the time to reassure your commitment! I'm totally and I hope you guys deliver. Mass Effect trilogy certainly got its sound right and were three of the best games I've ever played.

Awesome to hear. We loved making them too :) Trust me, with Casey at the helm, we are going to do right by our fans on Anthem and beyond.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by m10594f4293

what about the audio levels some stuff felt so quiet like the dialogue even guns sounds were super quiet.

i could never hear half the stuff in game and settings were at max levels

I'm worried you were getting cutouts too. The release build has a lot of mixing that should address this.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by Smokin_Moses

Encounter with Sovereign on Virmire was one of my favourite moments in gaming of all time, it was perfect from an audio standpoint - I hope we get something similarly awesome and chilling in Anthem as well. :)


about 6 years ago - /u/BioWareJer - Direct link

Originally posted by gimel182

The Colossus jets during flight didn't sound too good as well. I hope you addressed it for the release :)


Done :)