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As the title says, after playing it for this long people must have thought about this and come up with their 'dream javelin' in terms of the role it would play, it's playstyle and abilities.

For me personally I'd love a Jav slightly chunkier than the ranger but roughly the same toughness for more of a support/DoT role which uses different drones and turrets, maybe some could prime too.

Not sure what the javelins primary source of damage could be (as in the interceptor has melee, colossus has miniguns and grenade launchers etc.) So perhaps it has some kind of specialist weapon too..

As for the ultimate I have no idea, maybe launch loads of little drones that shoot everything in sight for a few seconds?

Anyways what would you design if you could put a javelin in the game?

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about 5 years ago - /u/CM_Ythisens - Direct link

What if... you had a javelin... that sent out mini javelins. I'm just imagining a big Colossus-like boi with panels opening up to reveal a launcher that shoots dozens of little Storms out.

I want this now.