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I haven’t seen anything about no Japanese service for the open beta, but still being unable to connect whilst my friends in other countries can is vexing and makes me think Japan is disallowed.

Does anyone know for true?

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about 6 years ago - /u/BioAdmiralX - Direct link

Can you provide the exact problem you are seeing?

about 6 years ago - /u/BioAdmiralX - Direct link

Originally posted by Artholos

It says, ‘Anthem couldn’t connect to the live service’

The actual message is in Japanese due to being in japan on a Japanese Xbox:

“接続エラー 「Anthem」ライブサービスを取得できませんでした”

Could you try and change your console language (I saw a report of this fixing it for someone but I am not sure, but would help in tracking down if this was the case)

about 6 years ago - /u/BioAdmiralX - Direct link

Originally posted by Artholos

Wow it started! Thank you so much! I only changed the game language to English and it connected.

Any chance you can go back to the main menu and change it back to Japanese? Wondering if there is an initialization issue.

about 6 years ago - /u/BioAdmiralX - Direct link

Originally posted by Artholos

Alright so I played until I got into a game with other players and that worked fine with text set to English.. I changed back to Japanese as you requested and I can no longer get in, so long as it’s Japanese.

Thank you it's being tracked now, I have a feeling it is resolved for the main game, sorry for the inconvience