about 6 years ago - /u/BenIrvo - Direct link

Originally posted by Vertisce

I was originally looking into wether or not Anthem would have cross platform play. While it looks like that may or may not happen, I ran into an article that spoke about cross platform saves instead.


This would solve a major problem for me in that I actually have a need to play it on both PC and PS4. My wife has a disability that prevents her from being able to sit up at a desk and play PC games anymore. It's just too inconvenient to use a M/KB setup laying down and controller support for games on PC is a shit show most of the time. So, she has pretty much moved to being a console gamer. She is all about Anthem right now as she loves pretty much everything to do with BioWare so I already bought two copies of Anthem for us on PS4. But...I have a lot of friends that will be playing on PC and don't mind buying a 3rd copy for PC but managing two different accounts and saves doesn't sound all that fun.

That being said, has there been an update on the cross platform saves and whether or not that is possible or will be done? Thanks in advance for any information you have!

Not at launch