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Community Cortex | December 23

Oh, the weather outside is frightful, but the—well, actually...so are the outlaws. And the beasts. And the Shaper ruins. Really, just the general sense of danger every time you go beyond the walls. Jak likes that feeling, though. He’s an odd one.

The hardest thing to do is move on. You know what that’s like, of course, Freelancer. You were in the Heart of Rage. Yet it’s easy to forget what kind of world Bastion is at this time of year. Everything we’ve been through—all the struggles and hardships, the losses and stumbles—all of it melts away into the twinkling lights and warm smiles people share inside the Fort. Maybe that’s for the best, though, right?


It’s hard for some people to get back up and keep moving forward, but that’s what we do—that’s what you do. While the Season of Skulls is a time of year to remember the fallen, Icetide is a bit different. It’s a celebration of how far we’ve come. It wasn’t easy, but we did it. Together. We celebrate that. We celebrate you and your triumphs. We get to enjoy the company of those we care about because you were there for us when all hope was lost.

So, thank you. No matter where you’re spending your holidays this year—be it in Bastion during the Icetide or somewhere a little closer to home—thank you for all you’ve done, Freelancer.

\"Songs of Icetide\" by Mary Kirby

That said, have you ever had the most wonderful, relaxing winter holiday? Crackling fire in the hearth, a cozy blanket while it snows outside, a mug of hot chocolate in hand, and a pair of warm socks to dress your feet? Now, imagine the opposite of that. That’s what Faye tends to get. Hard, cold interior of a strider, constant noise and jostling, and Haluk. Oh, Haluk.

Though she may be a tad bit of a Grinch during the holidays, the first Icetide lore story, Songs of Icetide, shows how someone “enjoys” the holiday season in Bastion while out in the jungles against their will...as best they can, at least.

Week Three

This week, the The Temple of Scar becomes the next weekly Stronghold with two challenges to go with it: Deep Freeze (Daily) and Frostbite (Weekly).

Store Refreshes

These are the store refreshes for this coming week.

Seasonal Store

Items: Crystals:
War Chest: Legendary Component 5000
War Chest: Legendary Weapon 5000
War Chest: Legendary 5000
War Chest: Legendary Ranger 5000
War Chest: Legendary Storm 5000
Fragmenter Armor Pack 4000
War Chest: Legendary Interceptor 5000
War Chest: Legendary Colossus 5000
Graphic: Emerald Husk 1500

Featured Store

Items: Coin: Shards:
24 Dec 12PM UTC to 27 Dec 12PM UTC
Wrap: Arctic Berserker 61,000 850
Wrap: Chilled Forest 61,000 850
Decal: Battered Resilience 6,000 200
Metal: Radioactive 12,000 300
Kawaii 23,000 475
Graphic: Frosted Tread 12,000 300
27 Dec 12PM UTC to 31 Dec 12PM UTC
The Garroter Armor Pack 61,000 850
The Judicator Armor Pack 61,000 850
Metal: Gold Leaf 5,000 175
Graphic: Glacier's Gleam 36,000 600
Fabric: Canvas Zigzag 12,000 300
Decal: Season's Tidings 12,000 300

Leaderboard Results

As a reminder, we will share results for leaderboard winners during the holiday break in the Week 5 Cortex.

Be sure to let us know what you think of Icetide so far! We'd love to know your thoughts on it, so feel free to share your feedback with us HERE.

From all of us to all of you, happy holidays!

—Anthem Community Team

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