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about 6 years ago - /u/BrenonHolmes - Direct link

Originally posted by Thuum_

This has since been updated, you start with 100 base luck, so you dont need anymore than 90

I just noticed there was another thread about this!

It's as you say (wanted to confirm).

Everyone has a base of 100 luck. After 90 bonus luck, you're not going to get any additional benefit.

Hope that clarifies things a bit! 😊

about 6 years ago - /u/BrenonHolmes - Direct link

Originally posted by KaliberShackles

What about SUPPLY % DROP ? is that how many drops you are likely to get?

No, supply affects health and ammo drops. 😊

about 6 years ago - /u/BrenonHolmes - Direct link

Originally posted by Videu

Is this across all difficulties? Or does GM2 + GM3 have higher base luck? I ask this because in some datamined information I came across this:

Power\Grandmaster_1 400)

Damage\Grandmaster_1 700)

Luck\Grandmaster_1 100)

Power\Grandmaster_2 475)

Damage\Grandmaster_2 1500)

Luck\Grandmaster_2 150)


I have no idea what that is, sorry.

Difficulty has its own modifiers separate from luck. Luck is a player specific stat that currently has no other sources in the game. 😊

about 6 years ago - /u/BrenonHolmes - Direct link

Originally posted by artifex28

So does +% Supply Drop Rate impact item quantity? Is it capped at all?

No, supply drop affects health and ammo drops, not loot. 😊

about 6 years ago - /u/BrenonHolmes - Direct link

Originally posted by OriginalxSyn

No additional benefit but it's reported base luck at GM 3 is 200. So we get 10 extra luck that does pretty much nothing for us on GM3?

Sorry, where are you getting that from?

As I mentioned there is only one source of luck in the game (gear/weapon stats), there are no luck specific bonuses per difficulty level. 😊

about 6 years ago - /u/BrenonHolmes - Direct link

Originally posted by xJVIayhem

Probably referring to the game giving increased chances for MW/Legendary in GM2 or GM3 over GM1.

Having clear values stated somewhere on this would be awesome honestly. Because it really doesn't feel like any amount of increased chance between GM1 and GM2.

Ah, well yes... There are difficulty based modifiers. It's a bit different from luck, but it also affects drop chance and rarity. 😊

about 6 years ago - /u/BrenonHolmes - Direct link

Originally posted by fanny_bandito

Is that to say that the higher difficulties are no more likely to reward rare drops, or that the term for that rarity adjustment is something other than "luck"?

Yeah, basically that. 😊

Luck has a specific set of modifiers... There are separate modifiers for difficulty that increase drop chance and rarity.

about 6 years ago - /u/BrenonHolmes - Direct link

Originally posted by xJVIayhem

Wouldn't happen to be able to share those modifiers would you?

about 6 years ago - /u/BrenonHolmes - Direct link

Originally posted by cannibalssoup1

Where those difficulty modifiers ever fixed? There was a tweet from I believe Ben Irving, but I could be confusing which dev..Said that the wrong scripts were put it, making them not be the proper drop rates. There was never an update for that, saying if it was fixed or not. This was during Early Access.

Ah, well... The values are definitely set up and working. When we run loot simulations, the output definitely changes based on difficulty. 😊

about 6 years ago - /u/BrenonHolmes - Direct link

Originally posted by xJVIayhem

Wouldn't happen to be able to share those modifiers would you?

Unfortunately I can't really get into specifics on the modifiers right now, sorry!

about 6 years ago - /u/BrenonHolmes - Direct link

Originally posted by xJVIayhem

Do you know off hand how they interact with luck, if at all?

Like does Luck work off the modified chance, or is it a flat modifier added after luck has modified base? (kind of depends on how exactly luck and drop rates work as a whole)

They all contribute together, the modifiers are combined before being applied. 😊