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Summoning: u/biocamden = please pass this along to ben irvo, and whoever else needs to be made aware. hope it helps.

sigh... just typed this whole thing up for my internet to crap out.. so here's to doing it all over again, but it's important.

so - onto the issue:

There have been multiple times that i have loaded into the game, also launch bay - where I am loaded in with someone else's pilot data (or pieces).
a. with someone else's vanity (armor, color scheme etc). I know this because about 10 seconds after i loaded onto the strider (i use a SSD) - the other player joined in with the EXACT same vanity look. i was his clone. basically the game cloned his pilot data onto me, and about 5 seconds later my game crashed, and i'm assuming his did too. this explains random pilot data error with nothing looking off.

b. I have also loaded into missions with only my gear switched, and when i swap weapons, it re-fetches my pilot data and re-loads it, fixing the issue. (this doesn't fix the look issue and will still crash if that happens).

c. when this happened in the launch bay, even going to the forge and switching loadouts, javelins etc, i was locked into someone else's pilot data. when i tried to go back to ft tarsis, the game crashed.

Summary: I think this is the cause behind the health/ui bug. my theory is that the pilot data is getting swapped for stats only, or visuals only. I've never been loaded in with someone else's guns or abilities.
This would explain you joining a game with a colossus and being a super tank, regardless of the ui (your health value gets inserted into your UI config, but the actual value gets inserted from his values) - and vice versa if your pilot data get's mixed with something like a storm (no shields unless hovering, aka 1 shotted).

Also: this explains why there are reports of this bug being non-existent in private sessions playing solo, because there aren't any other pilot data in your session to get mixed up with.

so I need some help from you fellow freelancers - can any of you give anecdotal evidence of the health/UI bug happening when you played on a private session by yourself?

also, could we all keep an eye out for when this happens, take a note of who is in the party (when you notice different values for health etc) - meaning any colossus, storm etc. and post here? I think if we pull together , hopefully we can help bioware fix this issue faster than them doing it on their own

many of you have said we just want anthem to succeed - so i figure let's actually put some leg work in not just bitch about the things that are broken. strong alone, stronger together. even when sh*t hit's the fan.

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almost 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Thanks for the additional report details and context /u/exoronin. I'll create a bug report* with this new info and get this looked into again.

almost 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by Parabrezza69

The “I’ll create a bug” was actually intended right?

Yes haha yes bug REPORT. Yikes. Sorry internally we track tickets as tasks, bugs, etc.

almost 6 years ago - /u/BioCamden - Direct link

Originally posted by tiahx

Yes we took a look at this one yesterday. We’re trying to understand the scope of the impact. Storm should be getting 20% damage reduction on hover and it does look like this isn’t always the case. We’ve got it logged.