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One of the things I had a hard time with was that while we were hovering we couldnt change elevation. Sometimes all you need is another foot or so to get onto a platform and having to enter flight mode to donit would be weird at times.
As a Storm you have to stay airborn to make the most of your abilities and perks. But the difficult thing is sometimes being airborne can spell certain death.
It would be really great if we had the ability to change elevation so we can act on our tactical abilities while hovering to use low cover or reach higher areas without jeapordizing our cover.

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about 6 years ago - /u/BioTalisker - Direct link

Originally posted by TheBigSm0ke

I’m Marry Poppins Y’all

Lol. Yeah I like this idea. It is something we have talked about. A sensible control scheme would be one of the challenges. I'll make sure its on our list in any case. It would be worth the effort if only so I could use that line. :)