about 6 years ago - /u/BenIrvo - Direct link

Originally posted by SirWilliamB

After watching the latest stream, Ben talked about how if the squad all goes down and wipes that you just simply respawn in at the last checkpoint. Now this immediately made me think, because they've already announced that even if you fail content that you don't lose the loot you've obtained. So what if (just for example in relation to the stream) you killed 2 of the lesser ash titans, intentionally squad wiped on the 3rd, just to respawn at the beginning of the encounter again, kill 2 more titans, wipe and repeat indefinitely? I really hope this isn't a thing, it might incentivize people to not explore other content! Maybe the titans you killed already won't drop additional loot when killed again? I don't know but to me this seems like it could be a potential "exploit".

Edit: I see a lot of people saying "Oh well let the people who want to do that do it" realize the more people grinding the same 5% of the game negatively impacts the population of the game for the people trying to matchmake to experience the other 95%

It’s not worth it :)